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5 <br />who will provide the service. Mr. Brown said the City could grant a short franchis e in <br />order to see if the provider has the ability to meet the needs. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling asked if any companies of national status have expressed an interest <br />in Charlottesville and whether there was competition when Adelphia was previously <br />granted a franchise. <br /> <br />Mr. Brown said he is not aware of any interest, but said there is some speculation <br />that some competitors may be laying low to see the result of Adelphia bankruptcy. Mr. <br />Brown said there were no competitors when Adelphia's franchise was granted. <br /> <br />Mr. Sch illing said he thinks it is questionable to spend that amount of money if no <br />one else is there to step in. <br /> <br />Mr. Brown said he thinks Charlottesville is a lucrative enough market that there <br />will be interest, and added that the needs assessment will still be valid in that case. Mr. <br />Brown said the financial audit which will be done as part of the assessment is necessary <br />to protect the City, and said that if the City does not have evidence and documentation it <br />will be hard to require certain things in the fran chise. <br /> <br />Ms. Richards said she thinks it would be extremely shortsighted not to reassess <br />the community's needs after ten years and feels it is necessary to ensure that whoever the <br />provider, they are the best ones to provide the service to the City. Ms. Ric hards said we <br />need to have the best information and plan and look to the best competitive market. <br /> <br />Responding to a question from Mr. Lynch, Mr. Brown said the annual franchise <br />fee is 5% of Adelphia's gross revenue in Charlottesville, approximately $80,000 per <br />quarter. <br /> <br />Mr. Lynch said he thinks the money for the needs assessment is a good <br />investment to protect the community's interest, especially considering the amount of <br />revenue generated from the franchise fee. <br /> <br />Mr. Brown said he thinks it will be a challe nge to get competition, but agreed that <br />it would be good. <br /> <br />Mr. Cox said he hopes Albemarle County is assessing their needs in the <br />surrounding growth area. <br /> <br />Ms. Richards asked that a report be made to Council on the public access center, <br />where use has explo ded, in order to get a better idea of needs in that area. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />: CLOSING ALLEY BETWEEN 1202 AND 1206 MONTICELLO <br />AVENUE <br /> <br /> Mr. Ron Higgins, Planner in Neighborhood Development Services, said that the <br />Planning Commission recommended denial of the alley closing because of the opposition <br />of neighbors. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch made a motion to deny closing the alley between 1202 and 1206 <br />Monticello Avenue, Mr. Caravati seconded the motion, and it was denied by the <br />following vote. Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Mr. Cox, Mr. Lync h, Ms. Richards, Mr. Schilling. <br />Noes: None. <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Ms. Richards, the following consent <br />agenda items were approved by the following vote, with Mr. Schilling abstaining from <br />voting on approval of the minutes o f June 17, 18 and 20, and Mr. Cox abstaining from <br />voting on the Carlton Road rezoning due to a potential conflict of interest. Ayes: Mr. <br />Caravati, Mr. Cox, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Richards, Mr. Schilling. Noes: None. <br /> <br />