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NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING <br /> <br />A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE <br />HELD ON Thursday, November 4, 2004 AT 11:30 a.m. IN THE Buford School Media <br />Center. <br /> <br />THE PROPOSED AGENDA IS AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />Luncheon meeting with School Board <br /> <br />BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR <br /> <br />BY Jeanne Cox <br /> <br />BUFORD SCHOOL MEDIA CENTER- November 4, 2004 <br /> <br /> Council met in special session on this date with the following members present: <br />Dr. Brown, Mr. Caravati, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Schilling. Absent: Ms. Hamilton. <br /> <br /> Dr. Scottie Griffin, Superintendent of Schools, said that "No Child Left Behind" <br />will be discussed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Harley Miles of Charlottesville Schools, explained Virginia Accreditation and <br />federal Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) assessments, rating, pass rate requirements, <br />participation requirements and sanctions. <br /> <br /> Responding to questions from Dr. Brown, Mr. Miles said that, with some <br />exceptions, the Schools have not made AYP for two years. He said supplemental <br />services must be provided to the neediest students after not meeting AYP for three years, <br />and 20% of Title I funds are set aside for that purpose if needed. <br /> <br /> Dr. Griffin said that next year if Clark does not make AYP supplemental services <br />will have to be offered. She said it is important to know where strengths and weaknesses <br />are. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if this applies to schools where there is no choice, such as <br />Charlottesville High School, Walker and Buford, and Mr. Miles said these are not Title I <br />Schools, but they are subject to choice. He said the Schools would work with Albemarle <br />County in order to provide choice. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked if we do not do Title I are we out $1.6 million, and Mr. Miles <br />said this would affect all federal funds, approximately $4 million. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if there are other tests that can be used rather than SOLs, and <br />Mr. Miles said only tests approved by the State Board of Education can be substituted. <br /> <br /> Dr. Griffin said that alternate assessments can be used in addition to SOLs, and if <br />it can be shown that students do better on those they can be used to show progress, but <br />she noted they still have to be approved. She said they are checking to see if the <br />Flanagan tests can be used. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati asked why the decision was made to use Flanagan tests when it is <br />not known if they will be accepted by the Board of Education, and Dr. Griffin said the <br />Flanagans are directly aligned with the SOLs and are used by over 90 schools districts in <br />the state. <br /> <br /> Council and School Board members discussed opting out of Title I funds. It was <br />noted that the state would have to approve not designating a school Title I. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said that No Child Left Behind is a great concept, but is not being <br />implemented very well. He said there are some procedures that are punitive and not in <br />the best interest of children. He said he is not convinced that testing is the right thing. <br />He said he is more interested in a cohort making progress. He said if we have to go <br />through with testing, we should be testing what we want to test. Mr. Lynch asked if <br /> <br /> <br />