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2 <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said the cost to underground the utilities appears to be low, but Mr. <br />Bunster-Ossa said his engineers believe the number is accurate. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said that the sidewalk renovation on the Corner was a successful <br />model in which the merchants paid half of the cost. He said we need to convince <br />merchants about the loss of parking. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he sees parking needs along West Main Street changing from very <br />short term to longer term. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said that loading zones will still be needed. Mr. Lynch said he does <br />not think we should dedicate a traffic lane to transit as he does not think we have the <br />transit density to justify taking a whole lane. <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell noted that the plan anticipates where we might be 15, 20 or 25 <br />years into the future. Mr. O'Connell said that changes, including parking structures, <br />could be done over time on West Main Street as development occurs, and costs could be <br />shared. <br /> <br />University of Virginia Construction <br /> <br /> Mr. Newman reviewed plans for the Health System area, including plans to <br />expand the hospital over the next ten years, and a core lab facility. He said that the <br />parking garage proposed for the area will come to the City for design review since it is in <br />Area B. He said plans include improving the Jefferson Park Avenue/West Main Street <br />intersection and to improve pedestrian access. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked if the intersection could be linked with 13th Street to provide cut <br />through traffic to Wertland Avenue, and Mr. Newman said he is not sure the <br />neighborhood would like that proposal. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he does not think 13th Street is a viable cut through to 14th Street <br />because of traffic backups at that location. <br /> <br /> Mr. Newman said he would not preclude that idea, but said it would be more <br />expensive to do. He said they may want to narrow the street for a sidewalk next to Clark <br />Park. <br /> <br /> Mr. Newman reviewed plans for the Clinical Cancer Center (proposed for 2005- <br />2008) and the Children's Medical Center (proposed for 2007 at the earliest). He said <br />WRT's ideas could be prototyped in front of the core lab. He said the bus stop could be <br />relocated there and it could be made into a park-like setting. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati asked further about the link to 13th Street, and Mr. Newman said <br />improvements would be much more expensive to cross over to it. <br /> <br /> Mr. Newman reviewed plans for North Grounds, which could include increasing <br />density there and an air dome. He said they want to make the area more pedestrian and <br />bike friendly. He presented conceptual ideas for Central Grounds. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked about the timeframe for more comprehensive strategic plans, <br />and Mr. Newman said 18 months. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said the City will be updating its Comprehensive Plan about the same <br />time, and said it would be helpful to do them together. <br /> <br />Mr. Newman said he will work with Mr. Tolbert on that. <br /> <br /> Mr. Newman discussed the South Lawn project area, and said there are issues <br />with connectivity in this area. <br /> <br /> <br />