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Mr. Timothy Sinatra, 788 Amber Ridge Road, asked that Council provide the <br />$12,000 for membership scholarships for the Boys and Girls Club as recommended by <br />the budget review team. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mary Down Jordan, Greenwood, supported Mr. Sinatra's statement. She said <br />the Boys and Girls Club needs City support to meet the needs of disadvantaged children. <br /> <br /> Ms. Natalie Byrd, 115-B Longwood Drive, said she is a single parent of two <br />teenagers who are members of the Boys and Girls Club. She said the Club provides <br />valuable programs <br /> <br /> Ms. Nilija Lacey, 115-B Longwood Drive, said that the Boys and Girls Club is an <br />important and fundamental part of her life. <br /> <br /> Ms. Nancy Damon, 2407 Jefferson Park Avenue, Program Director of Virginia <br />Festival of the Book, thanked the City and staff for its support of the Festival. She said <br />she is grateful that the Festival is included in the budget. <br /> <br /> Ms. Carolyn Benjamin, 219 E. Jefferson Street, supported funding for the Legal <br />Aid Justice Center's Elder Law Outreach program as recommended by the budget <br />review team. <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve Dawson, 1606 Delmar Drive, said we have dedicated police but they <br />are understaffed and underpaid. He said the City is not competitive in salary and <br />benefits. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mike Webb, 1852 Westview Road, spoke regarding the budget reduction for <br />police. He said officers start with low pay and it is appalling that the budget should be <br />cut. He said they cannot afford to live in the City. He said it makes no sense that <br />consideration is being given to cutting the budget when the crime rate is down. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Hope, former City police officer, supported the police regarding pay and <br />benefits. He said they deserve to be protected and to have their future be secure. <br /> <br /> Mr. Dwayne Jones, a County resident and City police officer, President of the <br />Police Officers Association, said they are preparing for more budget cuts. He said <br />staffing is low and officers cannot get a day off. He said there are morale problems and <br />performance issues. He said 13 positions are not maintained. He said that salaries are <br />average now but benefits are horrendous. He said we need to support the Chief and to <br />provide funding. He said money from unfilled vacancies should be put into salaries if <br />they are not going to be filled. He asked that public safety be made the number one <br />priority. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ann Reinicke, 917 Rockcreek Road, said that police response time has <br />increased in her neighborhood. She asked why the Police Chief' s initiatives are being <br />hamstrung. <br /> <br /> Ms. Rebecca Goodwin, 777 Prospect Avenue, said her neighborhood is struggling <br />and the police are really important to it. She said she cannot imagine the police not <br />having disability insurance. She said turnover of police is hard on the neighborhood and <br />we need more minority police. <br /> <br /> Mr. Satyendra Huja, 1502 Holly Road, supported art and culture in general and <br />said he hopes Council will keep supporting them. He said that the Art in Place program <br />has added a great deal to the community and he asked Council to think about cutting it. <br />He said art adds to the quality of life. He asked if Council can think of a great city that <br />does not have public art. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rauzelle Smith, 1508 Trailridge Road, Chair of the Public Defender Office <br />Citizen Advisory Committee, asked that Council close the gap in pay for employees <br />between the Public Defender office and the Commonwealth's Attorney office. He said <br /> <br /> <br />