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494 <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said she visited the neighborhood and saw the areas of concern. <br />She said this is a highly transitional section and a concern of long-time residents. She <br />said she believes that with only one property included that it is worth a trial and she is <br />willing to support it. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati made a motion to amend the ordinance by deleting 709 Sonoma <br />Street, and Ms. Hamilton seconded the motion. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said it is a worthy motion, but without the chance to hear public <br />input he is uncomfortable making the change. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said the neighbor who gave her a tour was greatly relieved that the <br />request was down to one property. <br /> <br /> The ordinance was amended to delete 709 Sonoma Street by the following vote. <br />Ayes: Dr. Brown, Mr. Caravati, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch. Noes: Mr. Schilling. <br /> <br /> The ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING <br />THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP INCORPORATED IN SECTION 34-1 OF THE <br />ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, <br />1990, AS AMENDED, BY THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 625 <br />MONTICELLO ROAD FROM R-1S RESIDENTIAL TO B-l," as amended, which was <br />offered at the November 21st meeting, was approved by the following vote. Ayes: Dr. <br />Brown, Mr. Caravati, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch. Noes: Mr. Schilling. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION: CHANGING VALUATION METHOD FOR PERSONAL <br />PROPERTY TAXATION <br /> <br />Mr. O'Connell said that the current valuation method used is on the average loan. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said that if we are going to reduce the tax burden on real estate, we <br />have to look at other areas. He said the current valuation method used is very generous. <br />He said he thinks the average trade in is fair and would still be undervaluing the property. <br />He said he thinks this is appropriate to do. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati asked if we change to trade in value and increase the base value to <br />$1,500 to $2,000, what impact will that have. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lee Richards, Commissioner of Revenue, said he does not think it would <br />have much impact, but Council would have to revisit it. He recommended that Council <br />try it as it is now, see what feedback there is and go from there. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if University of Virginia students register their cars here, and <br />Mr. Richards said an Attorney General's opinion said that students register in their home <br />communities. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if we did nothing would people see an increase in their car tax <br />this coming year, and Mr. Richards said yes. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton noted that the average increase for 1980 cars would be $1, for 1990 <br />cars would be $6 to $30, and 2000 cars would be $46 to $100. <br /> <br />Mr. Lynch said that is before PPRT is applied. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he is both inclined and not inclined to support the proposal. He <br />said we could rely a little less on real taxes, but expressed concern about shifting the tax. <br />He asked if we are doing this to increase revenue or shift the tax. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said his idea is to shift the tax and this is one way to make home <br />ownership more affordable. He said this also addresses the number of cars in the City <br />and our wanting to reduce that number. <br /> <br /> <br />