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140 <br />infrastructure. She said it would be helpful to have an evaluation to really see where our <br />areas of greatest need are and direct resources to those. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati also thanked the Committee and Mr. Lynch. He said he does not see <br />too much in the action section regarding the no poverty vision. He said we should take a <br />more in-depth look at what poverty is and how to address it (i.e. single mothers). He said <br />we should take a more strategic approach. Referring to the statement about high quality <br />mixed use developments, he said some economic development might not be compatible <br />in neighborhoods. Regarding the urban forestry program, he said we should take a more <br />global look at forestry first. He said he is a fan of economic development issues and <br />having the flexibility to have money to invest in opportunities that pay us. He said we <br />may want to think about voluntary annexation to achieve what we need. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said his concerns were covered by other Councilors. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said that the public has commented about their concern about the pace <br />and scale of development, and we should make sure we help residents participate in the <br />process. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said she heard interest expressed by the public for consolidation at <br />a candidates forum, but noted that school consolidation is not on the list. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he appreciates the comments made, and noted that the Strategic <br />Plan is a work in progress. He said we should try to have a goal of cutting poverty in half <br />or eliminating generational poverty rather than saying no poverty. He said he is hesitant <br />to say explore reversion because the City is in a much better position financially than we <br />were when it was previously explored. He said the issue of how to present it to the <br />County is key. He said that consolidation of the police departments might work best for <br />employees. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: SOCIAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD ANNUAL REPORT <br /> <br /> Ms. Cindy Fredrick, Chair of the Social Services Advisory Board, presented the <br />Board’s Annual Report. Ms. Fredrick said that areas of notable progress include a <br />decline in foster care caseloads, more positive outcomes for foster care prevention, and <br />the VIEW Program of Welfare-to-Work. She said challenges facing the Department <br />include: continue support for the foster care prevention team to reduce the necessity for <br />and cost of placing children in foster care; support an adequate staffing level to meet all <br />program mandates and provide adequate quality services to citizens; provide adequate <br />office space to accommodate staff and client’s needs for confidential communication; and <br />continue funding for the local match for the General Relief and Free Day care programs. <br />Ms. Fredrick said that the number of refugee families has increased from eleven to 52 in <br />the first half of this year. Ms. Fredrick said the City is lucky to have a talented leader and <br />staff in Social Services. <br /> <br /> Referring to the decline in foster care, Mr. Schilling asked if this is a trend with <br />other localities or is specific to Charlottesville. <br /> <br /> Mr. Robert Cox, Director of Social Services, said there is no statewide trend of <br />decline, and most growing communities are seeing an increase. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch noted that we were higher than most localities regarding foster care <br />caseloads. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Dr. Brown, Mr. Cox said that in some ways the <br />Welfare-to-Work program has been pretty successful and has been funded well by the <br />State. He said Congress has reauthorized the same legislation but has made changes <br />which increased the work requirements and reduced exemptions. He said the State <br />anticipates up to 30% more cost with no new resources with the possible exception of <br />child care services. <br /> <br /> <br />