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7 <br /> Mr. Lucy said he thinks Council should be getting more advice from other people <br />on BAR appeals. He said the Planning Commission could be asked for their advice, but <br />that is probably not plausible time wise. He said the policy can be different for different <br />situations. <br /> <br /> Mr. Wolf said he agrees with Mr. Knight, and said it is hard not to think of what <br />might go next in a partial demolition request. <br /> <br /> Ms. Amy Gardner, BAR member, said she concurs with Mr. Wolf, but expressed <br />concern about the expertise of future BAR members. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he would like input from the BAR about the question of moving <br />buildings. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said that it is helpful to have a unified voice in order to succeed <br />with the General Assembly. She said this is an important issue for the City. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he would like to create a streamlined process and identify sites <br />that are likely candidates for development ahead of time. <br /> <br /> Mr. Coiner said he would also like to look at the appeals process. He said it is <br />frustrating when Council overturns the BAR as it seems as though Council is saying the <br />BAR has made an error. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said an issue is whether there should be de novo appeals to Council. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown suggested that two members of Council, two members of the BAR and <br />staff work through the demolition guidelines, talk about the issues more thoroughly, and <br />allow leeway to consider what comes next in a partial demolition. <br /> <br /> Mr. Knight suggested that moving a building be treated as a partial demolition. <br /> <br /> The meeting was adjourned. <br /> <br />____________________________ ____________________________ <br />President Clerk <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />