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6 <br /> <br /> Ms. Leslie Beauregard, Budget Manager, said that transit was one of the biggest <br />losers in the State budget. In addition, JAUNT lost $27,000 which, unless funded by the <br />City, will cause a loss of Sunday service. She said the County has funded its share of this <br />shortfall. She said United Way Child Care funds were cut dramatically and will impact <br />an estimated ten families in the City. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton asked for an explanation of mandated versus non-mandated service. <br /> <br /> Mr. Robert Cox, Director of Social Services, said that families fall into several <br />categories. He said that families enrolled in TANF are subject to the Welfare to Work <br />law and receive legally mandated child care. He said there is no legal requirement to <br />serve other families who earn less than the poverty level, but are not enrolled in TANF. <br />He said the average child care cost per child is $300 per month which can be more than <br />half of a family’s gross income and most could not pay this amount. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Taliaferro, seconded by Mr. Lynch, the $49,850 appropriation <br />for additional funding for JAUNT Sunday service and Department of Social Services <br />Child Care Program was offered and carried over to the next meeting for consideration. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he would like to discuss using the urban allocation for transit. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: CHARLOTTESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING <br />AUTHORITY <br /> <br /> Mr. Noah Schwartz, Executive Director of the Charlottesville Redevelopment and <br />Housing Authority, explained that CRHA is a quasi-government organization governed <br />by a seven member Board which includes two current public housing residents. He said <br />the annual budget is just over $5.6 million and has 23 staff. He said that there are <br />currently 1781 low-income residents served through two housing assistance program. <br />The agency also operates a city funded Down Payment Assistance Program and a First <br />Time Homebuyers Program. CRHA’s two primary programs are Section 8 Housing <br />Choice Voucher Program that subsidizes 275 families, and the public housing program <br />that has 376 public housing units. He said CRHA has had a number of challenges over <br />the past year, including its designation as a “troubled” housing authority, position <br />vacancies, customer service, financial operations and budgeting, security, and capital <br />needs. He listed the following recent accomplishments: staff has improved dramatically; <br />expertise has improved greatly; customer service has improved, the agency adopted a <br />balanced budget for FY 07; a number of projects have been undertaken to improve <br />security; and capital project needs have begun to be addressed. He said one of CRHA’s <br />biggest challenges is a lack of sufficient funding to operate the public housing program. <br />Another issue is the HUD mandated accounting/management conversion to “Asset <br />Management.” He said CRHA is also in the process of master planning. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro commended Mr. Schwartz for the emphasis on customer service <br />for its residents. He asked how the Authority can get off of troubled status. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schwartz said he hopes the Authority will come off of troubled status this fall <br />after a review by HUD. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Lynch, Mr. Schwartz said that last year’s <br />deficit was almost $300,000 and this amount was made up out of reserve funding for <br />programming. He said new revenue streams are needed as well as a new business model. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said that redevelopment will eventually create some funds, but this <br />cannot be done until the Authority is off of troubled status. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris commended Mr. Schwartz for his work “righting the ship.” He said it <br />is unrealistic to do all that needs doing with the agency chronically in the hole financially. <br />He said Council is going to have to come to the table and provide funds that could be <br />used as a match. <br /> <br /> <br />