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2 <br /> <br /> Ms. Perkins said staff is doing its own assessments as well. <br /> <br /> Ms. Atkins said the entire process can be tied back to the Strategic Plan. <br /> <br />Ms. Fallica said that all principals, assistant principals, instructional coordinators <br />and other administrative staff participated in a Leadership Retreat, and spent time on <br />team building and trust building, training on the GPS, and on the Strategic Plan. <br /> <br /> Ms. Atkins said the best thing about the Retreat was seeing the incredible depth of <br />talent in the Charlottesville School System. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ned Michie, School Board member, said that Dr. Alvin Edwards, School <br />Board Chair, has recommended that the Council form a discipline task force in response <br />to the rise of gang activities, to include 15 citizens, parents, Police, Social Services and <br />other City and School staff. He said the task force would be asked to make <br />recommendations on how to eliminate and reduce gang activities. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he and Dr. Edwards will get together and come back to Council <br />with a proposal. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said we should be careful about the profile of gangs. He said we <br />should make sure there are other activities for teens, such as athletics and the Boys and <br />Girls Club. <br /> <br /> Mr. Juandiago Wade, School Board member, said the School Board discussed the <br />issue and want to assure that groups of friends are not identified as gangs if they are not <br />doing anything illegal. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said this can be put on a future agenda for discussion by Council and <br />the School Board. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said we should be mindful of the work done in the past year or two by <br />the Commission on Children and Families and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee <br />which held forums on gang violence so we do not reinvent the wheel. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he would like to include on a future agenda what more we can do <br />with early childhood education, and would suggest pilot testing a program for three-year <br />olds. He said he would like to discuss where we are and where we could be. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown suggested that he, the Chair of the School Board, Superintendent and <br />City Manager discuss topics for future lunch meetings. <br /> <br /> Ms. Lou Bograd, School Board member, said that a number of members on the <br />School Board have discussed their interest in partnering with other agencies to address <br />needs. He also recommended for a future agenda a discussion about the system for <br />electing School Board members. <br /> <br /> The meeting was adjourned. <br /> <br />____________________________ _____________________________ <br />President Clerk <br />