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<br /> 11 <br /> Ms. Hamilton asked about the ongoing conservatorship needs of the collection <br />and how that will be funded. <br /> <br /> Mr. Svetz said the proposal is to store the collection in the Herman Key <br />Recreation Center after the paintings are conserved. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton asked about the public display conditions referred to in the <br />donation letter. <br /> <br /> Mr. Svetz said the request is that the collection remain together and be displayed <br />based on educational programs to be set up. <br /> <br /> Ms. Brand said she generally wants to keep the collection together, but she would <br />leave it up to the City to determine how many are displayed. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Lynch, Mr. Svetz said it will cost a couple <br />thousand dollars to digitize the paintings. <br /> Dr. Brown said it is not clear why the City needs all 130 paintings. He said <br />another idea would be to keep the paintings in the community rather than having them <br />stored at significant City expense. <br /> <br /> Mr. Svetz said it is the wishes of the family to keep the collection together. <br /> <br /> Ms. Brand asked that of all the local heroes in the collection, who would the City <br />choose to leave out. <br /> <br /> Mr. Day said the Historical Society is applying for grants to write biographies, <br />catalog the collection, etc. He said he would like to see the collection on permanent <br />display at Jefferson School. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he feels like he is being put in a bit of a conflict situation, and is a <br />little concerned about taking on a $40,000 obligation without more input from the public <br />about whether to preserve the collection. He said if a wide part of the community thinks <br />this is something we should do, he would like to hear more from them. He said a <br />question is how do we spend the Percent for Art funds, and feels that is something we <br />need to discuss. He said when we have public art the public ought to participate in the <br />process. He said we should discuss this before taking on this obligation. He said when <br />we purchase art the decision ought to be beyond the City Manager and Parks and <br />Recreation Department. <br /> <br /> Mr. Svetz noted that the Art in Place Board has participated in the art the City has <br />purchased from their program. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said the collection is folk art that comes from the community and <br />expresses the community’s value. She said a member of the public suggested that there <br />be art review by committee. She said there are a few unresolved questions. She said we <br />do not yet know the exact destinations of the paintings. She said it would be a shame to <br />take on the responsibility and stick them in a closet. She said she can see where they <br />would be an asset in many areas, but that has not been worked out yet. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he greatly appreciates the value of the collection and welcomes <br />and appreciates the donation. He said he thinks it would be a great mistake not to accept <br />it. He said his only concern is if there is an alternative to the costly manner of preserving <br />the art. <br /> <br /> Mr. Svetz said something simple could be done, but it would not protect the <br />paintings in the long term. <br /> <br /> Mr. O’Connell noted that it is only approximately $300 per painting to preserve <br />the collection. <br /> <br /> <br />