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2 <br /> Ms. Kay Slaughter, representing the Southern Environmental Law Center, said <br />that the SELC has not taken a position on the Meadowcreek Parkway, but she expressed <br />concern about the supersized design presented for the Route 250/Meadowcreek Parkway <br />interchange. She said as proposed by the consultant it will overwhelm the parkway, <br />consume land, alter the topography and will create inadequate bicycle and pedestrian <br />pathways. She asked Council to redirect the consultants. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rich Collins, 108 Wilson Court, representing Sensitive Transportation <br />Alternatives to the Meadowcreek Parkway (STAMP), agreed with Ms. Slaughter’s <br />comments. He said it is unacceptable that the consultants are not listening to what the <br />City wants. He said Council should look at using funding for the interchange to enhance <br />the Park, and should tell the consultants that the City is going to design the interchange. <br /> <br /> Mr. John Pfaltz, 1503 Rugby Avenue, asked Council to look carefully at the <br />recently released traffic study for the proposed Biscuit Run development in Albemarle <br />County. He said there will be at least 30,000 more trips through the City every day. He <br />said the recommendation in the study to widen City streets to accommodate this traffic <br />does not make sense. <br /> <br /> Ms. Nancy Hurrelbrinck, 1020 St. Clair Avenue, representing Charlottesville <br />Peak Oil, said that our current lifestyle cannot last much longer. She said our entire <br />community needs to be prepared and she urged Council and the public to learn more <br />about the issue. <br /> <br /> Mr. Alexis Zeigler, 912 Woodfolk Drive, representing Charlottesville Peak Oil, <br />said he thinks the issue is coming up on us. He said biofuels are not a substitute for fossil <br />fuels. <br /> <br /> Mr. Don Wells, 2411 Hillwood Place, representing Charlottesville Peak Oil, said <br />there are problems with using coal and tar sands as substitutes for energy. He said they <br />have environmental problems and are not viable long-term solutions. <br /> <br /> Ms. Logan Blanco, 1200 Jefferson Street, representing Charlottesville Peak Oil, <br />said hydrogen is not an energy source, but is an energy carrier. She said wind power and <br />solar power are not transportation tools and are not reliable. She said we need to <br />strengthen conservation efforts in the region. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kimberly Moore, Director of the National College, thanked Council for the <br />th <br />proclamation, and invited Council and the public to their 120 anniversary celebration on <br />th <br />September 30. <br /> <br /> Mr. Peter Kleeman, 407 Hedge Street, said he makes most of his trips on foot, <br />and he encouraged the City to look at the state of pedestrian ways in the City. He asked <br />that the barrier blocking the sidewalk at the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court be <br />removed. He said the brick walkways at Court Square are damaged and are a tripping <br />hazard. <br /> <br />COUNCIL RESPONSES TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he shares the concern about the scale of the Meadowcreek <br />Parkway interchange and would like to follow up on the issue. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris agreed with comments made by Mr. Pfaltz about the Biscuit Run <br />traffic study and said we should urge the County to build the Fontaine connector. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he agrees with both comments. He said we will be discussing <br />sustainability issues at the end of the meeting, and he said he hopes being prepared for <br />the Peak Oil issue will keep it from being a major issue. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro, in response to comments about the Biscuit Run traffic study, said <br />it is time for the County to build some connector roads. He said if the Meadowcreek <br />Parkway is built, it needs to be part of a whole network. <br /> <br />