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3 <br />Staff list of what we are doing now: <br /> <br />?? <br />supporting mixed use in zoning ordinance <br />?? <br />residential rehabilitation tax credits <br />?? <br />land or money to PHA/AHIP/Habitat for Humanity <br />?? <br />creating historic district to protect historic neighborhoods <br />st <br />?? <br />CRHA – downpayment assistance/low interest loans/1 time homebuyers <br />?? <br />tax relief program <br />?? <br />increased density allowed in certain neighborhoods in zoning ordinance <br />?? <br />affordable housing task force appointed <br />?? <br />invest in neighborhood based infrastructure <br />?? <br />new development in City of Charlottesville code enforcement <br /> <br />Staff list of what we need to do: <br /> <br />?? <br />prioritize and implement Housing Task Force recommendations (subject to <br />funding) <br />?? <br />continue efforts with PHA, etc. <br />?? <br />encourage CRHA to pursue funding opportunities (grants, etc.) and use their land <br />?? <br />evaluate tax relief program <br />?? <br />housing investment trust fund <br />?? <br />policy on proffers <br /> <br />Council list of housing action steps (potential) <br /> <br />?? <br />working with ordinance develop for affordable units <br />?? <br />infill and PUD ordinance; increase in density <br />?? <br />University housing <br />?? <br />Chamber – conference on housing to get business community involved <br />?? <br />CAAR – workforce loan fund <br />?? <br />designated Housing Authority as CDBG priority for 1 year <br />?? <br />Housing Authority looking at/studying long term housing needs/asset <br />development <br />?? <br />other organizations looking at needs – new housing analysis in Region Ten, <br />Housing Dir, Council, JABA <br />?? <br />PDC regional task force to end homelessness <br />?? <br />legislative agenda – be more aggressive with development proffers <br />?? <br />recommendations – housing investment fund <br />?? <br />Planning Commission – affordable dwelling unit incentive – also at developer <br />proffers <br />?? <br />looking at transit oriented development <br />?? <br />encouraging accessory apartments <br />?? <br />Mountainside <br />?? <br />living wage initiatives <br />?? <br />retaining equity for affordable housing stock <br />?? <br />partnership with Section 8 providers <br /> <br />Council analysis <br /> <br />?? <br />lots of stuff/shotgun approach <br />?? <br />It’s a start – there are still gaps <br />?? <br />Do we have a way of finding out what’s successful? <br />?? <br />Is there a better way to coordinate? <br />?? <br />Studies – produce needs and recommendations <br /> <br />Council – what to do? <br /> <br />?? <br />Could city do more coordination? <br />?? <br />City take better leadership role in better identifying – City has Housing Advisory <br />Council to consolidate housing, dedicate dollars, and expand efforts <br /> <br />