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<br /> 10 <br />recommended that Council approve the plan, and noted that Council action will not <br />preclude the property owner from submitting a plan that the building official can approve. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked about the process to acquire the property, and Ms. Kelley said <br />an attempt will be made to contact the owner directly and an assessment of the fair <br />market value will be made, taking into account the work that needs to be done. The <br />owner will be given a good faith effort to correct the blight, but if the blight is not cured, <br />the City can then pursue condemnation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked if the City acquires the property, does the City have to do the <br />rehabilitation work, or can the property be sold to an organization to do the work. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kelley said the goal is to cure the blight, and the City can either do the work <br />or sell it and have someone else to the work. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro asked if this has been done a lot historically, and Ms. Kelley said <br />that occasionally the City has torn blighted properties down. She said this is a fairly new <br />ordinance and the first time it has come to Council when the building officials could not <br />deal with it in the building code. <br /> <br /> The public hearing was opened. <br /> <br /> Mr. George R. Jones, Black Hollow Road, Crozet, said his sister owns the <br />property and she wants to fix the house up. He said his sister said he can do the work, <br />and he has some bids to do some of the work. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton noted that the bids Mr. Jones has are for carpentry, dry wall and <br />roof replacement. She asked if the house can be rented when these repairs are done. She <br />also asks about heat. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jones said he has a friend who can help with heat. <br /> <br /> Ms. Tammy Londeree, 813 Locust Ave. Apt. C, said she would like to find out <br />who will be the landlord and who a possible tenant could contact. <br /> <br /> As there were no further speakers, the public hearing was closed. <br /> Mr. Lynch said he feels action was taken getting the quotes which he considers <br />good faith, and suggested the matter be deferred for two weeks so it can be turned into a <br />contract. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro agreed to give two more weeks to get a concrete plan. He said he <br />has a problem taking property. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown noted that the process is not a speedy one, and if the property owner <br />showed evidence of moving forward Council could back off. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kelley said giving staff the authority does not mean they will start tomorrow. <br />She said she has no doubt about Mr. Jones’ sincerity. She said major renovations are <br />needed and the City cannot obtain a binding agreement from the owner that she has <br />authorized the work and will pay to complete the repairs. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked if it is realistic to expect this to happen in two weeks. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kelley said she has no reason to think two more weeks will make a <br />difference. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said the Planning Commission was very clear in their <br />recommendation, and he is willing to support a two week deferral, but we should make it <br />clear to the property owners that time is running out. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton agreed to give the property owners two more weeks, but if there is <br />no response she will support moving forward. <br /> <br />