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<br /> 17 <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Lynch, Ms. Colette Brown was <br />appointed to an unexpired plus three year-term as the Belmont Neighborhood <br />representative on the Community Development Block Grant Task Force by the following <br />vote. Ayes: Dr. Brown, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Norris, Mr. Taliaferro. Noes: <br />None. This term will expire on May 30, 2010. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Lynch, Mr. Kurt Goodwin was <br />reappointed to a three-year term as the joint City/County appointee on the Charlottesville- <br />Albemarle Airport Commission and Authority by the following vote. Ayes: Dr. Brown, <br />Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Norris, Mr. Taliaferro. Noes: None. This term will <br />expire on December 1, 2009. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Lynch, Mr. Mike Gaffney was <br />reappointed to a two-year term as the joint City/County appointee on the Rivanna Solid <br />Waste Authority and Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority by the following vote. Ayes: <br />Dr. Brown, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Norris, Mr. Taliaferro. Noes: None. This <br />term will expire on December 31, 2008. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Lynch, Mr. Paolo D’Odorico was <br />appointed to the Rivanna River Basin Commission by the following vote. Ayes: Dr. <br />Brown, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Norris, Mr. Taliaferro. Noes: None. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />: AUTHORIZING $5,000 FOR THE CHS ORCHESTRA <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said that the Charlottesville High School Orchestra has kicked off its <br />funding raising for their spring trip to London. He said there is now a more diverse <br />orchestra and as a result, more scholarship needs. He proposed that Council donate <br />$5,000 to be used for scholarships. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch made a substitute motion to provide funding in return for an equivalent <br />amount of CDs. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said she has no objections and feels it is a worthy cause. She said <br />she thinks it would be appropriate to take the funds out of the City’s art fund. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris supported Ms. Hamilton’s comments, and also supported asking for <br />CDs. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he would not want them to have to purchase more CDs to supply <br />them to Council. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton made a motion to donate $5,000 to the scholarship fund for the <br />CHS orchestra out of the arts fund, and request, if possible, that the Orchestra supply the <br />City with a significant number of CDs. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris seconded the motion and it was approved by the following vote. Ayes: <br />Dr. Brown, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Norris, Mr. Taliaferro. Noes: None. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown presented suggestions for appointments to a Street Car Task Force and <br />the charge of studying the feasibility, desirability and implementation of a streetcar <br />system in the City of Charlottesville. He said no City funds will be required. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Lynch, the following members and <br />charge of the Street Car Task Force were approved by the following vote. Ayes: Dr. <br />Brown, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Norris, Mr. Taliaferro. Noes: None. <br />Membership: Alia Anderson, ACCT, Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation; <br />Morgan Butler, SELC, Land-use and Transit Attorney; Maurice Cox, UVA Prof of <br />Architecture, former Charlottesville Mayor; Tom Gilman, Railativity, Streetcar, Transit <br />Specialist; Anne Mallek, CHART member; Gary Okerlund, UVA Adjunct Prof of <br />Planning, Okerlund Associates; Michael Osteen, Planning Commissioner, Osteen Phillips <br />Architects; Harrison Rue, Director, TJ Planning District Commission; Carolyn Shears, <br /> <br />