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8 <br />neutered dogs be kept at $5 as well. He agreed we should increase our publicity efforts. <br />He noted that none of the people who came to the meeting tonight are part of the <br />problem. He said it is a tough balance to find. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton agreed on fees not doing down. She suggested that the fees be <br />looked into by the second reading. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he likes the idea of looking at designating the additional revenue <br />from the fee. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Norris, the ordinance entitled “AN <br />ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING ARTICLES I, II AND III OF <br />CHAPTER 4 (“ANIMALS AND FOWL”) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF <br />CHARLOTTESVILLE , 1990, AS AMENDED, BY REVISING EXISTING <br />DEFINITIONS RELATED TO THE REGULATION OF ANIMALS, INCLUDING <br />THE DEFINITION OF RUNNING AT LARGE AND EXISTING PROVISIONS <br />PRESCRIBING CRUELTY TO ANIMALS; BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS <br />RELATED TO THE DISPOSITION OF DEAD ANIMALS, TO THE TETHERING OF <br />DOGS, TO THE CONFEINEMENT OF ANIMALS IN VEHICLES ANDN TO THE <br />REGUALTION OF DOGS DETERMINED TO BE DANGEROUS OR VICIOUS; AND <br />REVISING THE AMOUNT OF THE DOG LICENSE TAX” was offered and carried <br />over to the next meeting for consideration. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE <br />: CLOSING COCHRAN STREET <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown thanked outgoing Deputy City Attorney Lisa Kelley for her service to <br />the City. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kelley explained that the U. Va. Real Estate Foundation submitted an <br />application for administrative approval to close Cochran Street. As part of the process, <br />signs were posted, and the owners of the nearby property, VAPARC, objected and <br />therefore the issue has been scheduled for a public hearing with Council to evaluate if <br />there is any public interest that would be prejudiced by the closing of Cochran Street. <br />Ms. Kelley said VAPARC asserts they have an interest in continuing or using the <br />property. She said the City has no title interest in the street. She said the Council should <br />consider if any property will be cut off by the closing or if anyone will be caused <br />irreparable damage. She said an aggrieved person can appeal Council’s decision to the <br />Circuit Court, who would then determine if any owner will be irreparably damaged. Ms. <br />Kelley noted that if there is a private easement it will not be lost by the vacation of the <br />street. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tim Rose, Chief Executive Officer of the Real Estate Foundation, said the <br />Foundation is seeking to close Cochran Street and is applying for a special use permit for <br />a parking garage and medical center. He said the special use permit and design have <br />been supported by the Planning Commission and Board of Architectural Review. <br /> <br /> The public hearing was opened. <br /> <br /> Mr. John Russell, attorney representing VAPARC, said the issue must be viewed <br />in the broad term. He said the proposed garage will encompass the entire easement. He <br />th <br />said VAPARC owns property on 11 Street abutting Cochran, but that is not shown on <br />the subdivision plat. He said his client maintains a master track easement to Cochran <br />Street. He said VAPARC will be irreparably harmed as Cochran goes across the 10 foot <br />strip that VAPARC owns and will deny them a second point of ingress and egress. He <br />said the closing would impair their vested rights in the 10 foot strip, isolates the property, <br />and diminishes the market value of the property. He said VAPARC will suffer material <br />and adverse harm. He raised questions about how this was handled procedurally. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tim Hulbert, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, 2246 <br />Brandywine Drive, supported the Real Estate Foundation’s project. He said he is in favor <br />of the Cancer Center and redevelopment of the vital West Main Street corridor. He said <br />there are private opportunities for the parties to resolve their differences. He said the City <br /> <br />