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2 <br /> Mr. Lynch asked about the middle school level, and Ms. Ivory said that is not on <br />the table right now. She said other things are being done to address the needs of middle <br />school ESL students. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown referred to an article in the New York Times about the achievement gap <br />being a nationwide problem. He said tutoring appears to help. He said he would like a <br />better sense of the programs and what portion of kids who need help are getting it. <br /> <br /> Ms. Atkins agreed that community tutoring is where we will have the greatest <br />impact on the achievement gap. She said we are reaching a large number of students. <br />She said the key to the successful programs is having them located where students live. <br /> <br /> Mr. Juan Wade, School Board member, asked if staff will go door to door to reach <br />th <br />students and parents if they do not come to the December 6 event, and Ms. Atkins said <br />yes. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said that the presentation pointed out the emphasis on artificial <br />assessments, of which he is not a big fan. He encouraged the School Board to consider <br />other matrix as ways to gauge success. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bograd said the Strategic Plan identifies other matrix. <br /> <br /> The meeting was adjourned. <br /> <br />____________________________ ____________________________ <br />President Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />