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other provision of this resolution to the contrary, be expended for salaries or employee <br />benefits in such account in the manner as sums originally appropriated thereto. <br /> <br /> E. The portions of the foregoing appropriations to individual departments or <br />agencies intended for motor vehicles and related equipment shall be transferred to the <br />Equipment Replacement Fund for expenditure as hereinafter provided. <br /> <br /> F. The amount above appropriated for Debt Payment shall be transferred to the <br />Debt Service Fund. In addition, one cent of the four-cent meals tax (25% of the meals <br />tax revenue) will be deposited into the Debt Service Fund to be reserved for debt service <br />on a future bond issues. <br /> <br /> G. The amount above appropriated as a Council Reserve shall not be deemed to <br />expire at the end of the fiscal year, but shall continue in effect unless altered by further <br />action of City Council. <br /> <br /> H. The amount above appropriated as Ivy Landfill Remediation shall not be <br />deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year, but shall continue in effect unless altered <br />by further action of City Council. <br /> <br /> I. The amount above appropriated as Hedgerow Properties shall not be deemed to <br />expire at the end of the fiscal year, but shall continue in effect unless altered by further <br />action of City Council. <br /> <br /> <br /> J. Sums appropriated in the General Fund which have not been encumbered or <br />expended as of June 30, 2008, shall be deemed to revert to the unappropriated balance of <br />the General Fund, unless Council by resolution provides that any such sum shall be a <br />continuing appropriation. <br /> <br /> K. At the end of the current fiscal year, any unexpended portions of the foregoing <br />appropriations to individual departments or agencies intended for health and medical <br />benefit programs shall be transferred to a fund referred to below as the "Health Benefits <br />Fund." <br /> <br /> L. Sums appropriated in the General Fund which have not been encumbered or <br />expended as of June 30, 2008 and are in excess of 12% of General Fund expenditures for <br />the next fiscal year shall be deemed to revert to the Capital Fund contingency account for <br />future one-time investments in the City’s infrastructure as part of the year-end <br />appropriation. <br /> <br /> M. The proceeds of the sale of any real property to be used for parking shall be <br />appropriated to the “Strategic Investments Account” account in the Capital Fund. <br /> <br /> N. Budgeted and realized revenues for Parking Fines in excess of $405,000 as of <br />June 30, 2008 shall be transferred from the General Fund to the “Parking Account” in the <br />Capital Fund. <br /> <br /> <br />III. SCHOOL OPERATIONS APPROPRIATION <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville: <br /> <br />The sums hereinafter set forth are hereby appropriated for the annual operation of <br />the school operations, effective July 1, 2007; the City contribution to the School <br />operations having hereinabove been appropriated from the General Fund. <br /> <br /> <br />