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7 <br /> The public hearing was opened, but as there were no speakers, the public hearing <br />was closed. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Norris, “AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING AND REORDAINING SECTION 30-451 OF ARTICLE XVII OF <br />CHAPTER 30 (TAXATION) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF <br />CHARLOTTESVILLE, 1990, AS AMENDED, INCREASING THE EXCISE TAX ON <br />THE SALE OF CIGARETTES” was offered and carried over to the next meeting for <br />consideration. <br /> <br />APPROPRIATION <br />: FY 07-08 BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS FOR <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND HOUSING <br />nd <br />OPPORTUNITIES MADE EQUAL FUNDS (2 reading) <br /> <br /> Ms. Amy Kilroy, Planner in Neighborhood Development Services, said Council <br />had questions about the funding for Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing <br />Authority. She said Council could either approve the budget as submitted with the <br />intention to swap out the funding in the future and amend the Action Plan or can approve <br />the budget giving $200,000 to CRHA for capital projects and additional money for <br />operations after the May 22 housing work session. <br /> <br /> The Appropriation of FY 07-08 CDBG and HOME Funds was approved by the <br />following vote. Ayes: Dr. Brown, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Norris, Mr. Taliaferro. <br />Noes: None. <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION <br /> <br />APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR <br /> <br />THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE'S 2007-08 <br /> <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT <br /> <br />$632,157 <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , the City of Charlottesville has been advised of the approval by the <br />U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development of a Community Development <br />Block Grant for the 2007-2008 fiscal year in the total amount of $632,157, which <br />includes the entitlement from HUD of $546,657 and reprogramming of $85,500. <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , City Council has received recommendations for the expenditure of <br />funds from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Task Force and the City <br />Planning Commission; and has conducted a public hearing thereon as provided by law; <br />now, therefore <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED <br /> by the City Council of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the <br />sums hereinafter set forth are hereby appropriated from funds received from the aforesaid <br />grant to the following individual expenditure accounts in the Community Development <br />Block Grant Fund for the respective purposes set forth; provided, however, that the City <br />Manager is hereby authorized to transfer funds between and among such individual <br />accounts as circumstances may require, to the extent permitted by applicable federal <br />grant regulations. <br /> <br />ACCOUNT PURPOSEAMOUNT <br /> <br />CODE** <br /> <br /> HOUSING (1620) <br /> Substantial Rehabilitation 07-08 $95,417 <br /> Arc of the Piedmont 07-08 $15,000 * <br /> CECP - Weatherization 07-08 $10,000 * <br /> Habitat for Humanity 07-08 $40,000 * <br /> PHA – Rehab at 802 Cynthianna Avenue 07-08 $59,000 <br /> Christmas in April 07-08 $10,000 * <br /> <br /> Charlottesville Redevelopment & Housing Authority $200,000 <br /> (Priority Neighborhood Funds) <br /> Total $429,417 <br /> <br />