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12 <br /> The sum of $754,331 shall be carried over in the Information Technology fund for <br />the purpose of funding the budgeted but unspent costs relating to the IT Director hiring <br />package ($34,000 - 2101001000), IT office space renovations ($20,000 - 2101001000), <br />GIS project costs ($80,771 - 2101002000), and CityLink Operations ($189,850 - <br />2111001000). In addition, the sum of $429,710 (2131002000) shall be carried over to <br />fund some IT operational costs relating to business continuity and replacement of several <br />integral hardware replacements. <br /> <br />Social Services Fund (212) <br /> <br /> The sum of $396,964 represents unspent operating contributions received from <br />non-City funding sources and shall be carried over in the Social Services Fund to offset <br />expenditures from FY07 programs still operating in FY08. <br /> <br />Transit (245) <br /> <br /> The sum of $240,000 (2801001000) shall be carried over in the Transit fund for <br />purposes of off-setting the lost of federal funds in FY08 and $149,284 (2804001000) <br />shall be carried over to fund bus and bus-related purchases that were not originally <br />included in the FY08 budget. <br /> <br />PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Ms. Colette Hall, 101 Robertson Lane, said if the Downtown Business <br />Association wants cameras they should provide them. She said the commercial business <br />community is requesting them, not the North Downtown Residents Association. Ms. <br />Hall said that at the last meeting Mr. Lynch said that having wireless for kids in the <br />Schools might be dangerous, and she thinks that should be rethought. She said it is unfair <br />for Council to start something at 10:00 p.m. <br /> <br /> Mr. Charles Hubbard, 205 Harris Road, noted that he sent Council an e-mail <br />about EPS recycling. He said he met with the Director of Rivanna Solid Waste Authority <br />about his concern and will be attending the Solid Waste Strategic Plan meeting. <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said the Emergency Medical Services Committee report has been <br />th <br />completed and he would like to get it on the agenda for the December 17 if possible. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said that U. Va. brought up the idea of them providing some EMS <br />service, and the Committee will meet again to discuss that. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris provided Council with ideas for a resolution supporting clean energy, <br />th <br />and asked that it be placed on the December 17 agenda. He said the Environmental <br />Sustainability Committee will be reviewing the proposal prior to that time. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton asked for the City Attorney’s opinion about the Compton House. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brown said that if a property is designated as historic and a request is made to <br />demolish it, the City can offer to buy it or the property can be offered for sale. He said if <br />it does not sell for fair market value within a year, it can then be demolished. He said he <br />agrees with the Mayor about the tradition of not changing the rules after the process has <br />begun, but he said it is probably dictated by legal considerations. He said existing <br />regulations apply when a permit comes in, but more research is needed on whether there <br />are exceptions to that. He suggested that Council allow him to do some research and <br />report back on options. He said that rezoning of the property may be required for the <br />development Jefferson Scholars plan. He said he does not think Council has the authority <br />to declare a moratorium on demolitions. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch moved that historic designation be looked at. <br /> <br /> <br />