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2 <br /> Mr. Daniel Bluestone, 501 Park Hill, noted that Council had deferred action on <br />additional bonds requested by Jefferson Scholars until they heard whether the Compton <br />House would be preserved, or the reasons why it could not be, but Jefferson Scholars <br />decided to go with their original bond amount. He said they are resolved to demolish the <br />house which is one of the finest designed houses in Charlottesville and is an architectural <br />gem. He asked what recourse Council has, and encouraged the Board of Architectural <br />Review to take up individual designation of the house. He asked that the community be <br />given a further chance to be involved. He said there is no reason not to do it now. He <br />said the house can be preserved and Jefferson Scholars can build their development on <br />that site. He asked that the demolition permit be put on hold. <br /> <br /> Ms. Tammy Londeree, 813 Locust Avenue, Apt. C, asked that water barrels be <br />provided to poor people, or that the City have a contest where people can win a barrel. <br />She said she has no problem with cameras on the mall. She said there has been <br />questionable treatment by the police of citizens. She said it is time for a citizen review of <br />police behavior. <br /> <br /> Ms. Susan Lanterman, 405 Ridge Street, asked for confirmation that Council <br />received the petition submitted regarding the Ridge-Cherry project. She asked Council to <br />take into account the concerns about the sale of City property for the project. <br /> <br /> Ms. Morgan Perkins, owner of Sage Moon Gallery on the downtown mall, <br />supported the Police Chief in wanting cameras on the mall. She said families are <br />encouraged to come downtown, and said it would only take a few minutes for a child to <br />disappear and cameras would help in that situation. She said it is important to look at the <br />big picture and make the mall a safe place for all families. <br /> <br /> Mr. John Pfaltz, 1503 Rugby Road, said it is time for Council to tell the public <br />what it wants to see in the upcoming budget. He said Councilors should stop posturing, <br />and should not propose cutting things such as affordable housing so the public will not <br />focus on the real problem of runaway spending as was reported in the Daily Progress. <br />He said Council needs to separate what the City needs from what it wants. He said more <br />of the surplus should be applied to stormwater needs instead of the fee proposed. He said <br />pools are not needs. He said the City employee base needs to stop expanding. <br /> <br /> Mr. Peter Kleeman, 407 Hedge Street, said that one of Council’s vision goals is <br />citizens involvement, and he asked the City to expand on that relationship. He said he <br />was present at the meeting Ms. Hall tried to attend, and feels citizens should be allowed <br />to attend such a meeting. He said the City should state under what circumstances citizens <br />are not able to attend meetings. <br /> <br />COUNCIL RESPONSES TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch noted that cameras will be discussed later in the meeting. He agreed <br />that the City should have an informal standing policy that if a meeting is not covered <br />under the Freedom of Information Act citizens should be allowed to attend to at least <br />listen. He noted that the City offered classes to citizens on how to make their own rain <br />barrels, but it was sold out. He said he hopes the City will offer them again. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton noted that the drought continues. She said that the idea of a citizen <br />review of the Police Department has come up before. Ms. Hamilton said that Council <br />does not control how or what the Daily Progress reports. She asked staff about the <br />legality of a local designation of the Compton Housel. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said that he and Mr. Norris had looked at the upcoming budget and <br />made some recommendations. He noted that Council has approved a guideline of no <br />more than a 5% increase in the budget. He said he has asked for a head count of City <br />employees and a count of employees in other cities and staff is working on the request. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris agreed with Mr. Lynch about meetings, and thanked Ms. Hall and Mr. <br />Kleeman for their comments. He said he thinks a policy is warranted. He said he would <br />like to hear Council’s legal options on the Compton House. He said he is not necessarily <br /> <br />