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2 <br />PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Mr. Paul Grady, Crozet, said he is disturbed about the consultant’s <br />recommendations for the eastern connector. He said there is now growth in areas of the <br />original suggested route. He implored Council to take the no build option off the table <br />and get easements. <br /> <br /> Ms. Elizabeth Meyer, 2000 Thomson Road, said that the proposed renovations for <br />the mall do not respect the integrity of the historic Halprin design of the downtown mall. <br />She expressed concern about the proposal to replace the bricks with those of a different <br />size. She said it is a far cry from rehabilitation. <br /> <br /> Ms. Lydia Brandt, 1322 Chesapeake Street, a board member of Preservation <br />Piedmont and U. Va. graduate student, said the mall was built with a community process. <br />She said it is important to understand Halprin’s design and the national significance of <br />the mall. She said Council should take time to study the history and significance of the <br />mall. <br /> <br /> Ms. Colette Hall, 101 Robertson Lane, said the trolley is working, and the North <br />Downtown Neighborhood does not want more overhead wires that would be required <br />with a streetcar. She asked if access to streets will be blocked with a streetcar, and how <br />will parking be affected. She said streetcars are not biker friendly. She asked how <br />taxpayers can absorb another multi-million dollar project. <br /> <br />st <br /> Ms. Genevieve Keller, 504 North 1 Street, expressed concern about the design <br />changes on the mall. She said ours is a rare survivor of pedestrian malls. She said it <br />meets the criteria of the National Historic Registry. She said it should not be destroyed, <br />but should be rehabilitated retaining the size and pattern of the brick and other features. <br /> <br /> Mr. Anthony Guy Lopez, Schuyler, said he was one who previously spoke out <br />against the portrayal of Sacajawea in the Lewis and Clark statue as demeaning. He said a <br />marker with language proposed by the family of Sacajawea and committee is very small <br />and will not really be visible. He suggested that the sign be made 3’ x 5’ and that it <br />include a positive image of Sacajawea and her son. He said the sign should acknowledge <br />that the current image is objectionable. <br /> <br /> Mr. Raymond Mason, 717 Cynthianna Avenue, said the increased speeding fines <br />should be expanded to the entire City. He said he has concerns about the funding <br />requested for a study of a streetcar and the proposed cost of $7 million for the mall. <br /> <br />nd <br /> Ms. Edith Good, 305 2 Street, S.W., agreed with speakers about the downtown <br />mall. She said the renovations should adhere to the Halprin design. <br /> <br /> Mr. Zachary Shahan, 701 E. High Street, Executive Director of ACCT, said that <br />there is a large investment up front with a street car, but the City will regain four or five <br />times the money from revenues. He said Charlottesville is a prime candidate for the <br />streetcar. He said it will channel development into the urban core. <br /> <br />COUNCIL RESPONSES TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said he agrees with all the comments made about the downtown mall. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards thanked Mr. Lopez for his comments. She said we need to embrace <br />and acknowledge this as part of our history. She said the marker is small but it is the <br />beginning of a healing relationship. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said the increased speeding fines cannot be applied city wide because <br />by state law the streets must meet certain criteria. <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br /> <br />