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7 <br /> Mr. Hutto said that from an operational perspective, the less the signs have to be <br />moved around the better. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards said she would like to put closure to the matter. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown made a motion to approve the appeal, allowing the sign to face out, <br />and Mr. Taliaferro seconded the motion. The appeal of the Pavilion sign was approved <br />by the following vote. Ayes: Dr. Brown, Ms. Edwards, Mr. Taliaferro. Noes: Mr. Huja <br />and Mr. Norris. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: DOWNTOWN MALL RESTORATION <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said that Council discussed the mall restoration in February, and said <br />to keep it simple and not make major changes. He said a bid alternative is to install a <br />fountain in front of the Omni if it is privately funded. He said the slab under the bricks <br />will only be trenched for utility lines and WIFI. He said staff is having second thoughts <br />about the children’s play area. He said two small new fountains are proposed. He said <br />there are no plans to remove trees except those that are diseased. He said the tree pattern <br />will not change from the Halprin design. He said the existing planters will be kept and <br />those that have been removed from the mall will be replaced. He said granite, which was <br />in the original design, is proposed to be done. He said it is proposed to raise the lights by <br />two feet for better fire truck access, for better energy efficiency and to be dark sky <br />compliant. He said the benches on the mall now are not the original design, but more <br />single benches are proposed to be added. He said the public wanted more art and the <br />proposal is to work with “Art in Place” to add art. He said an idea is to have a uniform <br />system for café boundaries as there are ADA issues with the chains that are now being <br />used. He said an idea is to also have a uniform cart for vendors. He said there had <br />previously been concern because the only place that 4” x 12” bricks could be found was <br />Nebraska, but a supplier has been found in Virginia. He said there is some concern about <br />whether the larger bricks can be made stable enough. He said they will cost $200,000 <br />more. He said a very conservative construction cost of $7.3 million is estimated, with a <br />25% contingency. He said the belief is that construction can be done from January 2 <br />through April 30. <br /> <br /> Mr. Joe Shinstock of MMM Design Group reviewed the refined design proposed <br />for the mall. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said that Council is being asked to amend the budget so money can be <br />moved into FY 09. He said the proposal is to sell bonds. He said it is important to act so <br />that the project can be bid in October. He said there are a lot of electrical and light <br />problems on the mall. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Huja, Mr. Tolbert said the intent at Water <br />Street is to open it up and make it wider to improve visibility. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if the trees will be in the same location except for in front of the <br />Omni, and Mr. Tolbert said that is the intent. He said they will try to do everything <br />possible to get the root systems out and put them back in the same place. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if the café locations will be permanent, and whether it will be <br />hard to move the proposed boundaries. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said they will be made so they are flexible. He said the size of the <br />cafes is limited by the Code and the space allocated when they apply. He said he would <br />envision it taking an afternoon to relocate the boundaries. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked for clarification about the fire truck access and the lights, and <br />Mr. Tolbert said fire trucks need 14’ of vertical clearance. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he would prefer to keep the light design as it is. <br /> <br /> <br />