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9 <br />Corner. He said WIFI is a good investment. He would leave the planter in front of the <br />Omni alone, and would generally do less. He said we can clean and reuse the bricks. He <br />said he thinks we can save $2 million total. He said we should explore the side streets <br />and should deliberate more about them. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he agrees with much of what Mr. Huja said, but he disagrees that <br />we have the chance to reuse the bricks. He said reusing the bricks and having a tight time <br />schedule are incompatible. He said he has a little concern with the bricks that large on <br />sand wobbling. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said the bricks will be stable. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he agrees about the side streets. He said he is not keen on trying <br />to make the mall uniform. He said the current newspaper stands are okay, and he does <br />not want to have vendor carts and cafes the same. He said he does not think we need art. <br />He said we need drinking fountains, but not more decorative fountains. He said if we <br />have a big one there should be a public process prior to making that decision. He said he <br />th <br />would like to hear from people after the June 30 presentation. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards expressed concern with the lighting and fire truck access, and said <br />she would like to hear more about how that can be worked out. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro recommended looking at communities who have used the pavers <br />on sand, and the impact of vehicles on them. <br /> <br />ndth <br /> Mr. Shinstock said more durable bricks are proposed for the 2 and 4 Street <br />crossing. He said he is not aware of other communities who have these pavers. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he agrees with Mr. Huja and his general perspective. He said we <br />have a good thing going downtown, and he thinks the current plan has unnecessary bells <br />and whistles. He said the crossings were major changes to the mall. He said it would be <br />th <br />helpful to have a functional breakdown for the June 30 meeting. He agreed the work <br />should be done all at once. He said he does not find the sister city plaza at all <br />compelling. He agreed with Dr. Brown about the newspaper stands, and is not convinced <br />about the café collards. He said he would like to hear from café owners if they think the <br />proposal is positive. He said he does not find the new decorative fountains compelling. <br />He said he could support a fountain in front of the Omni if funded privately. He <br />supported the drinking fountains. He agreed with the 4” x 12” bricks if we can find them. <br />He does not support public art on the mall. He said he thinks the mall at Water Street is <br />fine. He supported keeping the lights the way they are now and improving side street <br />access. He said he would like to salvage more trees. He said doing partial side streets <br />would be great. He said he thinks a children’s play space would be compelling. He said <br />it would be fine to find another use for the bricks elsewhere. He said the current bricks <br />are not designed as pavers. He said we can save money and have a simpler project. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he agrees with Mr. Norris on the sister city plaza, but disagrees <br />about the play area. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said he would like to keep it as close to as it is today, make as few <br />changes as we have to, preserve the original design and save money. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards said that given the problem of childhood obesity, a play area would <br />be a timely addition. She expressed concern about the sister city plaza. She supported <br />improving the infrastructure and rehabilitation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja summed up what he heard the majority of Councilors support: planters <br />at side street entrances; do not widen west end near Omni; no new decorative fountains; <br />use existing lights; do not do permanent café enclosures; use 4” x 12” bricks; no uniform <br />newspaper boxes; no sister city plaza; keep trees as they are; do not change tree grates; no <br />more public art; yes to WIFI length of mall; use granite; install drinking fountains; keep <br />drainage runnel design; do all at once; detailed functional cost list to be provided; leave <br />alone planter in front of Omni; and do not cut or replace trees except dead ones. <br /> <br />