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9 <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja thanked Ms. Kellams for her enthusiasm and energy. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro agreed and said he has heard good comments about the program. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said the program has exceeded his expectations. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards asked about the barriers for completion of the program, and if kids <br />who did not finish were steered to other programs. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kellams said some enrolled in TeensGive. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: CHARLOTTESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING <br />AUTHORITY <br /> <br /> Mr. Jason Halbert, Chair of the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing <br />Authority (CRHA), said CRHA is not a part of the City and receives no annual funding <br />from the City. He said last year CRHA received CAHIP and CDBG funds. He said that <br />when Noah Schwartz became Executive Director CRHA was in troubled status. He said <br />communication between CRHA, Council and staff needs to improve. He said many <br />capital improvements are under way. He said CRHA is considered troubled due to the <br />physical condition of some of the sites. He said a few residents are causing the trash <br />problems. He said a master planning process is underway, and he hopes the City will <br />contribute $100,000 toward that effort. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said he appreciates the report and addressing issues at Westhaven. <br />He said the dumpsters have a very bad odor and are right at the back door of residents. <br />He said there were large pieces of glass around and the playground looked shoddy. He <br />said the master plan process is going in the right direction. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he understands the issue is between spending money now and <br />redevelopment later. He said it is a big challenge with diminishing funding and <br />increasing needs. He said he is supportive of the City doing its part for planning and <br />designating CRHA as the priority neighborhood. <br /> Ms. Edwards asked for an update on the elevator at Crescent Hall. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schwartz said that the project had to be bid three times, but it is nearly <br />st <br />complete. He said that the lights at South 1 Street were vandalized so often that <br />Dominion Power wanted payment before they would agree to fix them. He said CRHA <br />replaced them with its own lights. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said basic hygiene issues should be taken care of. He asked why there <br />are 30 vacant units. He said CRHA should make sure residents participate in the <br />redevelopment process and that it assures people that they will have their house. He <br />suggested using vacant land owned by CRHA to relocate people. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schwartz said that 40 units were vacant due to staffing issues, but they will be <br />occupiable in the next week. He said a resident committee will work on resident <br />participation. He said the housing guarantee is important. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja asked how long it will take to get out of troubled status, and Mr. <br />Schwartz said he hopes by next spring. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he appreciates Mr. Schwartz’s honesty, and he knows there are a <br />lot of challenges. He said redevelopment of public housing offers the best opportunity <br />for changing the dynamic of poverty. He said resident participation is essential. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />: AUTHORIZING $48,500 FOR PURCHASE OF VOTING <br />MACHINES <br /> <br /> Ms. Sheri Iachetta, Voter Registrar, said that in the 2004 presidential election <br />voting machines were rented due to the large turnout. She said that the General <br /> <br />