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184 <br /> <br /> CharlottesVille, Virginia that this Council certifies to the <br /> Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development its <br /> approval of the request by the M,~O. Mohr Center (formerly <br /> Charter~House) for funding under the SHARE program. Notwith- <br /> standing the above, except for funds already appropriated by <br /> City CounCil, the City will not be responsible for any <br /> financial obligation in connection with such program. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION: APPROVING GRANT APPLICATION FOR "ON OUR OWN" <br /> <br /> Mr. Chapman stated that "On Our Own is a consumer based <br /> and consumer operated mental health facility. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Vandever, seconded by Ms. Waters, the <br />resolUtion approving the grant applicatiOn for "On Our Own" <br />was unanimously.approved by Council. <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of <br />Charlottesville, Virginia that this Council certifies to the <br />Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development its <br />approval of the proposed day shelter run by the "On Our Own" <br />program. Notwithstanding the above, the City will not be <br />responsible for any financial obligation or "match" in <br />connection with such program. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION: RIDGE STREET BRIDGE <br /> <br /> Rev. Edwards stated that he would abstain from <br />discussion on the resolution due to a conflict of interest. <br /> <br /> Mr~ Hendrix explained that the resolution was a <br />standard requirement of the Virginia Department of <br />Transportation which will authorize VDOT to move forward on <br />the project. Mr. Hendrix stated that the CSX Railroad had <br />reduced the height requirement for the bridge which will <br />lessen the imPact on the church. Mr, Hendrix also noted that <br />final design of the bridge must be approved by the Urban <br />Design Committee and Council. <br /> <br /> Ms. Slaughter recommended that a letter be written to <br />VDOT indicating Council,s desire for landscaping and <br />architectural detailing for the bridge. Ms. Slaughter <br />thanked the members of the Ridge Street Bridge Committee for <br />their work. <br /> <br /> On motion by Ms. Waters, seconded by Mr. Toscano, <br />Council unanimously approved the Ridge street Bridge <br />resolution, with Rev. Edwards abstaining. <br /> <br /> 'WHEREAS, a Location and Design Public Hearing was <br />conducted on December 3, 1987, in the CitY of Charlottesville <br />by representatives of the Commonwealth of Virginia, <br />Department of Transportation after due and proper notice for <br />the purpose of considering the proposed location and design <br />of the Ridge Street Bridge Project (U000'104-104, PE102, <br />C-502) in the City of Charlottesville, at which hearing <br />aerial photographst drawings and other pertinent information <br />were made available for public inspection in accordance with <br />state and federal requirements; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, all persons and parties in attendance were <br />afforded full opportunity to participate in said public <br />hearing; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, representatives of the City of Charlottesville <br />were present and participated in said' hearing; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Council had previously requested the <br />Virginia Department of Transportation to program this <br />project; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the CSX Transportation Corp. has recently <br /> <br /> <br />