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298 <br /> <br />reduce the amount of waste generated in the fee system. <br /> <br /> Ms. Slaughter stated that it might be a good time for <br />the City to question whether it should remain in the trash <br />collection business. Ms. Slaughter stated that she was <br />leaning toward backing the entire cost of solid waste out of <br />the tax rate and imposing a flat fee, but added that she <br />heard the concern for renters which had been expressed. <br /> <br /> Rev. Edwards stated that his initial thought was to back <br />the entire cost out of the tax rate initially, but to go to <br />the bag or sticker system eventually. Rev. Edwards stated <br />that he felt it would be too hectic to change the system too <br />much too soon and recommended that consideration be given to <br />a pilot project using a bag or sticker system. <br /> <br /> Ms. Waters stated that she did not want to make more <br />changes than were necessary and would rather work towards one <br />goal, perhaps with intermediate steps. <br /> <br /> Mr. Vandever stated that he felt citizens could <br />collectively lower the fee by reducing the waste stream and <br />that he would favor seeing if this was viable before going to <br />a bag or sticker system. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano stated that he was opposed to user fees <br />generally except where there is an overriding good social <br />value, adding that he felt this issue fell into that <br />category. <br /> <br /> Ms. Slaughter questioned whether citizens could be <br />rewarded for recycling, using a credit system to reduce their <br />fee. <br /> <br /> It was agreed that staff would provide details on the <br />following two options: 1) back the entire cost of solid <br />waste currently in the tax rate (11 cents) out and impose a <br />flat fee per household~ and 2) back approximately 25% of <br />the cost of the solid waste program out of the tax rate and <br />fund the remaining 75% through a user based bag/sticker <br />system. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hendrix stated that a dumpster fee component would <br />also need to be devised. <br /> <br /> Ms. Judith Mueller, Director of Public Works, stated <br />that one option to consider would be to privatize dumPster <br />collection. <br /> <br />e~journed. <br /> President <br /> <br /> <br />