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70 <br /> <br /> Mr. Eugene Williams requested that extensive drawings <br />and other options be provided for the bridge before a final <br />decision is made. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tim Keller of North 1st Street stated that he was <br />concerned with the Meadowcreek Parkway and requested that <br />Council take that into consideration. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ned Slaughter, developer of property at the west end <br />of the downtown mall questioned whether Garrett Street would <br />be closed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Beasley stated that the grade at Garrett Street <br />following the bridge replacement would make it impossible to <br />leave Garrett Street open. <br /> <br /> Rev. Hailes stated that he was aware that the bridge was <br />in need of replacement and questioned what height the bridge <br />would be if the railroad tracks were lowered. <br /> <br /> Mr. Beasley replied that if the tracks were lowered, the <br />height of the bridge would remain the same as it is <br />presently. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kay Peaslee stated that she felt in order to build a <br />bridge that would be acceptable, the City would have to pay <br />for it. <br /> <br /> Ms. Julia Martin, Mr. Fred Snyder, Mrs. Lorraine <br />Williams, Ms. Edith Taylor, Mr.Art Myrick, and Mr. Julius <br />Pryor opposed the proposed design of the bridge. <br /> <br /> Mr. Beasley stated that the funding for the bridge would <br />be 70% from Federal funds, 25% from State funds, and 5% from <br />City funds. <br /> <br /> Mr. Barnes stated that he favored replacing the Ridge <br />Street bridge, but would not approve the proposed bridge <br />design. Mr. Barnes requested that staff provide the <br />following: 1) additional options and tracking of the cost <br />to lower the railroad tracks; 2) affect on South Street <br />traffic by closing Garrett Street) 3) an updated cost that the <br />City would incur to build a new bridge; and 4) cost of <br />repairing the existing bridge and how long the bridge would <br />last with those repairs. <br /> <br /> Mrs. Gleason questioned whether it would be possible to <br />lower the tracks less and therefore raise the bridge less. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hendrix advised Council that in order to provide the <br /> information requested by Mr. Barnes, a consulting engineer <br /> would need to be employed and the bridge replacement would be <br /> deled at least a year.ourned' <br />~ng was adj ~-- <br /> <br />COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 7, 1988 <br /> <br /> Council met in regular session on this date with the <br />following members present: Mr. Barnes, Mr. Buck, Mrs. <br />Gleason, Dr. Hall, Mr. Towe. <br /> <br />PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Mr. Pat Crowley, a recent City resident, complained to <br />City Council about the unsafe and unsuitable boat ramps at <br />the Rivanna Reservoir. <br /> <br /> <br />