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13   <br />  <br /> <br /> <br />  <br />Ms. Szakos said she hopes we can upgrade the basketball court equipment. Mr. Daly said <br />we may be able to do so if we realize cost savi ngs on the project. Mr. Huja asked staff to look at <br />the courts at Westhaven. <br /> <br />On motion by Mr. Norris, seconded by Ms. S zakos, the motion passed unanimously. (Ayes: <br />Ms. Galvin, Ms. Szakos, Ms. Smith, Mr . Huja, Mr. Norris; Noes: None.) <br /> <br /> <br />APPROPRIATION: ADU PLAZA CONTRIBUTION - $487,490.59 (carried as revised) <br /> <br />ADU Plaza Contribution <br /> <br />Ms. Kathy McHugh presented to Council. Staff is requesting appropriation of funds for the <br />Section 3 employment program, AHIP's Bl ock-by-Block program, and AHIP's Emergency <br />Repair Program. <br /> <br />Ms. Tierra Howard presented to Council on the comprehensive training program for <br />Section 3 employment opportunities. <br /> <br />Ms. Szakos asked about the li ving wage portion of the report, which quotes an outdated <br />rate of $10.52. Mr. Jones said this is still accura te for temporary employees. Ms. Szakos <br />confirmed that this is similar to the summer intern ship program. She asked if we have assurance <br />that this would not displace current workers. Mr. Jones said this program will serve to <br />supplement current workers, not to replace them. <br /> <br />Ms. Galvin asked how many residents would take part in the program. Ms. Howard said <br />nine individuals. Ms. Galvin asked why privat e sector partners such as the Chamber and UVA <br />have not been involved with planning at this stage. Ms. Howard said the Steering Committee <br />suggested focusing on one employer as a model and then expanding the program if it worked. <br />Ms. Galvin said encouraging par ticipation in the private sector as soon as possible would be a <br />boost to the program. <br /> <br />Ms. Smith asked how many units the 5% represen ts. Mr. Tolbert said it would have been <br />about 12 units. He said we are pleased to receive cash from this deal, because many developers <br />say they are renting to low income residents when they are really students. Staff is working on a <br />mechanism to address this. <br /> <br />Mr. Norris asked why communication has not be en good with the HAC. Mr. Tolbert said <br />staff has a policy against discussi ng specific allocations for legal reasons. Mr. Norris asked what <br />other funding sources we have explored. Mr. To lbert said we do not know of any. Ms. Howard <br />said we did apply for the DMB Bamaworks gran t, but that was for $10,000, which will not cover <br />what staff needs for this initiative. <br /> <br />Ms. Szakos said these folks are eligible for the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, and there <br />are a lot of families waiting to move into public housing who cannot get housing in the <br />meantime. She said this will move people into a higher level of housing and allow others to