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10 <br />does a superb job and has made his results avai lable to the complainant, which is all that <br />is necessary. <br /> <br />Ms. Sally Brown, 110 Shamrock Rd., said re garding the use of McIntire Park, this <br />is the largest green space that we still have in the City, and it has already been somewhat <br />carved up by the Bypass. Please use this spa ce as a botanical garden. She explained the <br />history of a bird sanctuary that existed in the thirties and reques ted Council keep this <br />piece of land intact. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL RESPONSE <br /> <br /> Ms. Galvin said staff has received upda tes on the cost impli cations of changing <br />the construction schedule of the Ragged Mountain Dam. Staff is reaching out to begin <br />discussions on having foresters present to mitigate impact on forest life. Also, the value <br />of the lumber is reflected in the lowest bid. Ms. Smith said that the City has not been <br />compensated according to the resolution, and th e bid actually includes a cost for clearing <br />the land. We are being charged for clearing th e land with no compensation to the City for <br />the lumber. <br /> <br />