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4 <br /> Mr. Norris said you have to do a cost benefit analysis for each drug as policy <br />makers. It i s not black and white. He said he has yet to see a compelling argument for <br />how the risks of making marijuana legal outweigh any potential negative impacts of <br />marijuana. A plurali ty of the American people agrees that it should be legalized. The <br />City does not have the authority to decriminalize marijuana, but that does not stop us <br />fr om at least taking a public stand as to what we would like the state to do. He said he <br />a greed with Ms . Galvin that it i s an addiction issue, and we should support local drug <br />entities. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said education for deer management issues is good. He is also <br />i nterested in design aspects of the bridge , and Council will discuss it further during Other <br />Busi ness . <br /> <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br /> Ms. Szakos asked Mr. Tolbert for clarification on the Nunley S treet t ownhouses . <br />Two houses on the end were originally intended to be transitional housing, and now they <br />a re not. She asked if there was a plan for making transitio nal housing available if and <br />when needed . Mr. Tolbert said we have several other projects where there is the <br />opportunity to do the same thing. <br /> <br /> Ms. Szakos said she wanted to be sure there was a chance for public input for the <br />CDBG process. Mr. Tolbert said it was advertised for a public hearing, and there has <br />been involvement by the public, especially those who live near the project. <br /> <br /> Ms. Galvin said she supported the proposal the Housing Committee made as part <br />of the comprehensive plan update regardi ng Community Housing Partners , which <br />stressed the importance of not concentrating poverty. She asked if this was examined <br />comprehensively when B lue R idge C ommons was in the process of undergoing major <br />revitalization. Mr. Tolbert said it was. The d evelopment was entirely affordable housing, <br />which needs to remain that way because of restrictions, but there are conversations about <br />opportunities for surrounding properties. Mr. Norris noted that the new funding stream <br />will allow for a greater mix of in comes tha n is currently in place at Blue Ridge <br />Commons. <br /> <br />On motion by Ms. Smith , seconded by Ms. Szakos , the following consent agenda <br />items were approved: (Ayes: Ms. Galvin, Ms. Smith , Mr. Huja, Mr. Norris, Ms. Szakos ; <br />Noes : None.) <br /> <br />a. Minutes of Jan 17, <br />Feb 3 and Feb 6 <br /> <br />b. APPROPRIATION: Charlottesville Police Department Foundation Donation - $4,232.37 <br />(2 nd reading ) <br />c. APPROPRIATION: Amendments to FY 2012 City Schools Budget - $122,950 (carried ) <br />d. RESOLUTION: Energy Efficiency and Renewables Loan Program Grant - $500,000