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4 <br />COUNCIL RESPONSES TO MA TTERS BY THE PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Ms. Szakos said she supported citizens speaking on the Bypass. To Mr. Halfaday, <br />building the Belmont Bridge was one of the thin gs on our list of prio rities that did not get <br />funded. She said she agreed with Mr. Beyer th at urban beautification is hugely important <br />although she is not sure the park is something we need to build over. She would also like <br />to see reports on the dredging study. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jones said the RFP for dredging is on the agenda for the next RWSA Board <br />Meeting. There will be a public hearing on the cost share agreement, which is yet to be <br />scheduled. Staff has asked for a public meeti ng held by Rivanna to answer any questions <br />concerning the inundation zone. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards asked if DCR can attend the public meeting. Mr. Jones said we will <br />extend them an invitation. She asked for an answer to Ms. Hall’s question about the <br />utility rates. Mr. Jones said connection fee revenues offs et potential increases for the <br />county, which would have been about 17%. She said Mr. Farabaugh did a fine job <br />speaking and should be inspired to continue to provide comment at other public meetings. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he agreed that Mr. Fa rabaugh did a good job speaking. He said to <br />Mr. Fenwick that dredging and building the dam are not comparable. A dam provides a <br />lot more water. Fully dredging gives us about fi fteen days of storage, and that is not a lot <br />when looking at past needs. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja commended Mr. Beyer for his co mments on beautification. He agreed <br />with his comments on sculpture and landscaping. <br /> <br /> On motion by Dr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Huja, the following applicants were <br />appointed: to CDBG Fifeville Task Force: Antonia Lolordo, Tate Huffman, Missy <br />Wernstrom. To the Vendor Appeals Board: Je nnifer McKeever and Aristea Vlavianos. <br />To the CACVB, Kirby Hutto. (Ayes: Dr. Brown, Mr. Huja, Ms. Edwards, Mr. Norris, <br />Ms. Szakos; Noes: None.) <br /> <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br />Mr. Huja asked who will implement the promise neighborhood matching grants. <br />Ms. Szakos said this was a contract through Children Youth and Family Services. <br /> <br />Ms. Edwards and Mr. Norris said they do not support the increase in utility rates. <br /> <br />On motion by Dr. Brown, seconded by Ms. Szakos, the following consent agenda <br />items were approved with the exceptions noted above: (Ayes: Mr. Huja, Ms. Edwards, <br />Dr. Brown, Mr. Norris, Ms. Szakos; Noes: None.) <br /> <br />