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AN ORDINANCE <br />• CLOSING, VACATING, AND DISCONTINUING <br />A PORTION OF AN ALLEY, LOCATED OFF 10TH STREET, <br />ADJOINING PARCELS 136,137 AND 138, CITY TAX MAP 54 <br />WHEREAS, Joe Milby, the contract -purchaser of properties identified as Parcels 136, 137 and <br />138 on City Real Estate Tax Map 54, has initiated a petition seeking to close a portion of an alley (the <br />"Alley") and combine the land so vacated with the above -identified properties; and <br />WHEREAS, the Alley which is the subject of this petition was created, circa 1890, by a plat <br />recorded in the City's land records at Deed Book 2, Page 26; and <br />WHEREAS, the City has never made improvements to the Alley nor taken action to control <br />access through the Alley, and there is no indication of any intent by the original developer to dedicate <br />this alley for public use; and <br />WHEREAS, a joint public hearing by the Planning Commission and City Council was held on <br />October 12, 2004, following notice to the public and to adjacent property owners as required by law; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission requested a fully executed deed of easement which <br />allows a continued, perpetual, unobstructed right of access to and from the subject Alley for adjacent <br />• property owners ("Deed of Easement"); and <br />WHEREAS, this Council wants the Deed of Easement amended to require the Petitioner and <br />successors in title to maintain the subject Alley for a period of 10 years from the date this ordinance is <br />adopted; and <br />WHEREAS, after consideration of the factors set forth within the City's November 18, 1991 <br />street closing policy as well as matters specified within § 15.2-2232 of the Code of Virginia, this <br />Council finds and determines that the petitioner's request should be granted; now, therefore, <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that a portion of the <br />Alley located off 10'h Street and adjoining Parcels 136, 137 and 138 on City Real Estate Tax Map 54, <br />is hereby closed, vacated, abandoned and discontinued, the portion to be vacated being more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />That portion of a 15 -foot wide Alley off 10'h Street adjoining Parcels 136, 137 and 138 <br />on City Real Estate Tax Map 54, a copy of which Tax Map being attached hereto. <br />0 <br />