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LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT AGREEMENT <br />• AMONG <br />THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE <br />THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE <br />M -Wil <br />THE RIVANNA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY <br />This Local Government Support Agreement (this "Agreement') is made this <br />day of 2007 by and among the City of Charlottesville, Virginia (the <br />"City"), the County of Albemarle, Virginia (the "County") and the Rivanna Solid <br />Waste Authority (the "Authority"), together referred to as the "Parties." <br />WHEREAS, on November 20, 1990, the City and the County entered into a certain <br />Solid Waste Organizational Agreement for the purpose of forming the <br />Authority to operate the Ivy Landfill (the "Landfill') and provide other <br />waste management services for the City and County; <br />• WHEREAS, the Landfill operated continuously from 1968 until the closure of Cell 2 in <br />2001; however the Authority continues to provide waste management <br />services to the City and County and has continuing obligations with <br />respect to the closure, remediation and monitoring of the Landfill; <br />WHEREAS, the Authority owns a transfer station at the Landfill site (the "Ivy Transfer <br />Station") currently operated by the Authority, with transportation and <br />disposal of the compacted waste provided by Waste Management, Inc. <br />(formerly Atlantic Waste Disposal, Inc.) pursuant to a contract with the <br />Authority (the "Waste Management Contract'); <br />WHEREAS, Allied Waste Industries, Inc. (formerly BFI) constructed, owns and <br />operates a transfer station at Zion Crossroads (the "Zion Crossroads <br />Transfer Station") available for use by the citizens of the City and County <br />pursuant to a contract with the Authority (the "Allied Waste Contract'); <br />WHEREAS, a component of the standard tipping fees set by the Authority for its <br />customers at the Ivy Transfer Station and the Zion Crossroads Transfer <br />Station is a "service contribution fee" for providing waste management <br />services to the Charlottesville/Albemarle community over and above the <br />transportation and disposal fees charged by Waste Management, Inc. and <br />Allied Waste, Inc. to the Authority pursuant to the Waste Management <br />Contract and the Allied Waste Contract, respectively; <br />