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11/22/2024 3:49:37 PM
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3/30/2015 2:47:57 PM
City Attorney
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such funds, and that the Authority may use such funds for operating expenses, <br />• reserves, environmental costs even though otherwise covered by the <br />Environmental Expenses MOU, or any other expense. The Authority agrees to <br />repay to the County the $250,000 that the County paid to the Authority in July, <br />2005 within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement. <br />2. Rates and Charges for City Collected Solid Waste during and after FY 2008 <br />For the Authority's fiscal year 2008, beginning July 1, 2007, and thereafter except <br />as specifically provided in paragraph 3 below, the City agrees to pay the <br />Authority the standard tipping fee (including the service contribution fee <br />component of such fee) of $62 per ton on all solid waste collected or contracted <br />for collection by the City and taken to the Zion Crossroads Transfer Station and <br />the standard tipping fee then in effect on all solid waste collected or contracted for <br />collection by the City and taken to the Ivy Transfer Station. The Authority agrees <br />not to increase such fees for the City for the balance of FY08. On and after July <br />1, 2008, any increases to the standard tipping fee imposed by the Authority and <br />charged to the City shall not exceed $62 per ton at the Zion Crossroads Transfer <br />Station and the amount of the standard tipping fee in effect as of June 30, 2008 at <br />the Ivy Transfer Station, in each case, adjusted for inflation using the the <br />Consumer Price Index published by the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor <br />Statistics, All Urban Consumers (CPI -U), U.S. City Average, All Items, 1982-84 <br />=100. <br />0 3. Rates and Charges for Citv Residential Curbside Collected Solid Waste <br />The City may award a new residential curbside solid waste collection contract, <br />effective July 1, 2008 (the "New City Curbside Contract"). The Authority agrees <br />that if a New City Curbside Contract is awarded to Allied Waste, Inc. and taken to <br />the Zion Crossroads Transfer Station it shall diligently pursue an amendment to <br />the Allied Waste Contract to exclude such waste, effective upon the latter of July <br />1, 2008 or the effective date of the New City Curbside Contract with Allied <br />Waste, Inc., from the definition of "Rivanna Service Area MSW" and coverage <br />under Section 3.5 of the Allied Waste Contract pursuant to which the Authority <br />currently imposes the service contribution fee. The Authority agrees that if a New <br />City Curbside Contract is awarded to Waste Management, Inc., the Authority <br />shall waive, effective upon the latter of July 1, 2008 or the effective date of the <br />New City Curbside Contract with Waste Management, Inc., the restriction <br />imposed upon Waste Management, Inc. in the Waste Management Contract <br />obligating Waste Management, Inc. to deliver such waste to the Ivy Transfer <br />Station. In view of the existing limit on the average daily tonnage under the <br />Authority's permit for the Ivy Transfer Station, the City agrees to include a <br />requirement in any New City Curbside Contract that such collected waste will not <br />be delivered to the Ivy Transfer Station. The Authority further agrees that <br />effective upon the latter of July 1, 2008 or the effective date of the New City <br />Curbside Contract, the Authority shall not impose the service contribution fee on <br />is <br />any residential curbside solid waste collected or contracted for collection by the <br />3 <br />
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