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RESOLUTION COMMITTING THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE TO THE <br />PURCHASE AND PROMOTION OF CLEAN ENERGY ALTERNATIVES <br />• WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville has demonstrated its commitment to addressing the <br />critical challenges of climate change and increased dependence on non-renewable, polluting <br />energy sources by, among other actions: <br />• Implementing an Environmental Management System since 2003 with goals of <br />compliance, pollution prevention, environmental improvement, and sustainability; <br />• Pursuing and promoting energy conservation and efficiency in City operations, resulting <br />in substantial cost savings to City government and City schools; <br />• Signing on to the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement in 2006; and, <br />• Adopting a resolution endorsing the development of renewable energy resources, <br />including wind turbines, in Virginia in 2007; and <br />WHEREAS, the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement specifically commits signatories to: <br />• reduce global warming pollution; <br />• increase the use of clean, alternative energy; <br />• advocate for the development of renewable energy resources; <br />• make energy efficiency a priority in municipal operations; and, <br />• "help educate the public, schools, other jurisdictions, professional associations, <br />business and industry about reducing global warming pollution"; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Charlottesville shall: <br />• 1. <br />Express to the Virginia Energy Purchasing Governmental Association <br />(VEPGA)/Dominion Virginia Power its interest in purchasing electricity from renewable <br />energy sources generally, and from the Highland New Wind project specifically; and, <br />2. <br />Explore creation of a municipal aggregation program to demonstrate community demand <br />for renewable energy alternatives; and, <br />3. <br />Explore creative options for development of local Renewable Energy Generation Projects <br />(defined by Dominion Virginia Power, which seeks to partner in the development of such <br />projects, as "energy projects derived from sunlight, wind, falling water, sustainable <br />biomass, energy from waste, wave motions, tides, and geothermal power"); and, <br />4. <br />Redouble its efforts to promote energy conservation and energy efficiency within City <br />and School operations; and, <br />5. <br />Develop and implement a high-profile campaign, similar to the "Fresh Aire" initiative in <br />Arlington, which promotes energy conservation and energy efficiency within the <br />community at large; and, <br />6. <br />Petition the Commonwealth of Virginia to create a mandatory Renewable Portfolio <br />Standard for public utilities and, further, to place a moratorium on new coal-fired power <br />plants (such as proposed for Wise County) and expansion of existing nuclear power <br />plants (such as proposed for North Anna) until there has first been a significant expansion <br />of investment in energy conservation and energy efficiency efforts and development of <br />renewable energy alternatives. Through these kinds of investments we can obviate (or at <br />least substantially delay) the need to increase our reliance on non-renewable, polluting <br />energy sources. Finally, existing coal-fired power plants should also be retrofitted using <br />newly -developed technologies to reduce harmful emissions. <br />• Approved by Council <br />December 17, 2007 of City Council <br />