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4 <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $880,522.88 is hereby appropriated in the following manner: <br />Revenue-$880,522.88 Fund 215 Cost Center: 3353001000 G/L Account: 430080 <br />Expenditures-$880,522.88 Fund 215 Cost Center: 3353001000 G/L Account: 540060 <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is c nditioned upon the receipt of $880,522.88 from the Virginia Office of Children’s Services. <br />4.APPROPRIATION: Department of Social Services Additional Funding for Adoption <br />Assistance - $625,000 (2nd reading) <br />APPROPRIATION Additional Funding for Adoption Assistance - $625,000 <br />WHEREAS, the Charlottesville Department of Social Services has received $625,000 from the Virginia Department of Social Services to provide assistance to adoptive families. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $625,000 is hereby appropriated in the following manner: <br />Revenue-$625,000 Fund 212 Cost Center: 9900000000 G/L Account: 430080 $625,000 <br />Expenditures-$625,000 Fund 212 Cost Center: 3311007000 G/L Account: 540060 $625,000 <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the receipt of $625,000 from the Virginia Department of Social Services. <br />5. APPROPRIATION: CARES Act funding designed to provide emergency assistance for <br />Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT) and JAUNT. Total funding $7,143,582 – CAT <br />$5,357,686 and JAUNT $1,785,896 (2nd reading) <br />APPROPRIATION Transit Division Project Funds - $7,143,582.00 <br />WHEREAS, the Federal Transit Administration a Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocation of $7,143,582.00