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266 <br />63. Junk Dealers. <br />On every license to a junk dealer the tax shall be fifty dol- <br />lars ($50) and on every person who shall engage in the busi- <br />ness of buying junk or other matter for a junk dealer or for <br />sale to a junk dealer, the tax shall be thirty dollars ($30). <br />64. Laundries. <br />Every person who operates a laundry and every agent of <br />a non-resident laundry shall pay for the privilege of conduct- <br />ing such business, if it be a laundry operated other than by <br />hand, in this city, the sum of fifty dollars ($50). <br />On every person operating a hand laundry the license tax <br />shall be $20. But nothing in this section shall be construed to <br />impose a license tax upon persons who wash bed clothing, <br />wearing apparel, and so forth, without laundry machinery, <br />and who do not keep shops or other regular places of business <br />for laundry purposes. <br />65. Lightning Rod Agents. <br />Every person canvassing for, selling or erecting lightning <br />rods in this city, other than a regular licensed merchant, shall <br />pay a specific license tax of twenty-five dollars ($25) for a <br />year or fractional part thereof. Not transferable. <br />66. Live Stock Brokers, Dealers, etc. <br />Every dealer in live stock who shall buy for the purpose of <br />selling, or who shall sell, any of the live stock purchased by <br />him shall pay a license tax of $25. Butchers and farmers buy- <br />ing for their own use, or selling, shall not be subject to this <br />tax. <br />67. Livery Stables. <br />On every license to keep a livery stable the tax shall be thir- <br />ty-five dollars ($35) and an additional tax of fifty cents on <br />each stall therein, and two dollars for each saddle horse. <br />68. Machine Shops. <br />See § 54. <br />69. Manufacturers of Vehicles. <br />On every person or firm conducting the business of manu- <br />facturing wagons, drays and carts, carriages, buggies and like <br />vehicles, the license tax shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) . <br />70. Medicines, Salves, etc. -Sale of on Street. <br />On every such license to carry or sell medicines, salves or <br />liniments, on the streets, alleys, or elsewhere in this city, the <br />tax shall be ten dollars ($10) per clay, but no such license shall <br />be issued except by authority of the Mayor. <br />71. Merchants. <br />The license tax on every person or firm for the privilege of <br />conducting a mercantile business in the city of Charlottesville <br />shall be as follows: <br />If the amount of purchases shall not exceed $1,000, the tax <br />shall be $10. <br />If the amount of purchases shall not exceed $2,000, the tax <br />shall be $18. <br />If the amount of purchases shall not exceed $3,000, the tax <br />shall be $25. <br />And on all purchases over $3,000 and less than $10,000, the <br />tax shall be seventy cents (70c.) on the $100 in excess of <br />$3,000. <br />On all purchases over $10,000 and less than $20,000, the <br />tax shall be sixty cents (60c.) on the $1000 in excess of <br />$10,000. <br />On all purchases over $20,000 and less than $30,000, the tax <br />shall be fifty cents (50c.) on the $100 in excess of $20,000. <br />On all purchases over $30,000 and less than $40,000, the tax <br />shall be forty cents (40c.) on the $100 in excess of $30,000. <br />On all purchases over $40,000 and less than $50,000, the <br />tax shall be thirty cents (30c.) on the $100 in excess of <br />$40,000. <br />On all purchases in excess of $50,000, the tax shall be ten <br />cents (10c.) on the $100. <br />72. Merchants -Commission. <br />Every person, firm or corporation buying or selling for an- <br />other any kind of merchandise except cider on commission <br />shall be deemed a commission merchant. <br />The tax on commission merchants shall be fifty dollars <br />($50) ; but when his commission shall exceed one thousand <br />dollars the tax shall be sixty dollars ($60) ; and ten dollars <br />($10) for each thousand dollars in excess of two thousand <br />dollars. <br />73. Merchants -Tobacco. <br />See § 94. <br />74, Merchandise Broker. <br />Every person, firm or corporation doing business in this <br />city who receives or distributes provisions and merchandise <br />including flour, hay or grain shipped into this city for dis- <br />tribution on account of the shipper, and who participates in <br />the profits ensuing from or accruing out of the sales of such <br />provisions and merchandise, including flour, hay or grain and <br />who invoices such sales and collects the money therefor, shall <br />be deemed to be a broker and shall pay a license tax of one <br />hundred dollars ($100). <br />78. Merchandise Shipped in, Sold and Delivered. <br />Every person, firm or corporation, including manufacturers <br />or dealers who are not taxed under any other ordinance of this <br />city, who from merchandise shipped into this city for the pur- <br />pose of sale, shall sell or offer for sale such merchandise, or <br />any part thereof, whether the sale or offer for sale be made be- <br />fore or after arrival of such merchandise, in the city, and <br />whether delivery be made at the time of sale or not, shall pay <br />a license tax of $25. <br />76. Milk Depot. <br />Every person, firm or corporation conducting a milk depot <br />shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars ($50) per annum. <br />77. Monuments and Tombstones. <br />Each person or corporation or agent conducting the busi- <br />ness of making or selling tombstones, monuments, etc., shall <br />pay a specific license tax of twenty-five dollars ($25). <br />78. Moving Picture Machines, Phonographs, arapho- <br />phones, etc. <br />For the exhibition of any automatic moving picture ma- <br />chine, phonograph, graphophone, or similar musical machine, <br />except for benevolent, charitable or educational purposes, <br />where the price of admission to such exhibition does not ex- <br />ceed the sum of 5 cents, there shall be paid a license fee of <br />three dollars for each week, or less time than a week, or one <br />hundred dollars per annum for the exhibition thereof, and <br />where the admission to such exhibition exceeds 5 cents but <br />does not exceed 20 cents there shall be paid an additional li- <br />cense fee of three dollars per week, or less time than a week, <br />or an additional fifty dollars per annum; the license for one <br />year to be paid quarterly, and a license for a period exceeding <br />one week to be based upon the per annum license fee, provided, <br />however, that when such exhibition is given for benevolent, <br />charitable or educational purposes and is given for a period of <br />more than one week in any year and the exhibitor thereof re- <br />ceives a part of the receipts from such exhibition as his com- <br />pensation, then such exhibition, after the first week, shall not <br />be exempt from the payment of the license fee herein pre- <br />scribed ; and where the admission exceeds 20 cents the license <br />tax as prescribed in sec. 111 shall apply. <br />7 9. Oculists. <br />See § 14. <br />80. Oils. <br />Any person, firm or corporation, whose place of business is <br />without the corporate limits of the city, who shall engage in <br />the business of selling to wholesale or to both wholesale and re- <br />tail merchants in this city kerosene oil or other illuminating <br />oil shall pay a license tax of $75. <br />Any person, firm or corporation, whose place of 1'tlsmeesln <br />without the corporate limits of the city, who shall engage in <br />the business of selling only to retail merchants in this city <br />osene oil or other illuminating oil shall pay a license tax of <br />$50. <br />81. Opticians. <br />See § .14. <br />r <br />