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GENERAL ORDINANCES 5 <br />thus elected shall hold office for the term for which his predeces- <br />sor was elected, unless sooner vacated by death, resignation, re- <br />moval, or from other causes. An entry of said election shall be <br />made in the journal. If the mayor or a councilman shall remove <br />his residence from the City limits such removal shall operate to <br />vacate his office. <br />Sec. 12. Disqualification of members for certain offices. <br />No member of the Council shall be eligible during his tenure <br />of office, or for one year thereafter, to any office to be filled by <br />the Council either by election or appointment. <br />Sec. 13. Committees. <br />The president of the Council shall, within ten days after the <br />organization of the Council, appoint the finance committee con- <br />sisting of three members to continue for a term of two years. <br />The president of the Council shall also appoint all special com- <br />mittees unless otherwise ordered by the Council. Vacancies on <br />committees shall be filled in like manner. <br />Sec. 14. Finance committee—duties and powers. <br />The finance committee shall investigate and report to the Coun- <br />cil as to all matters relating to the finances, debts, revenues and <br />assets of the City. After approval by the Council said commit- <br />tee shall have power to borrow money in the name of "the finance <br />committee of the City of Charlottesville," signed by all the mem- <br />bers of said committee. The finance committee shall approve all <br />surety bonds of City officials and employees as provided for by <br />sec. 41, post. <br />Sec. 15. Rules and procedure. <br />The Council shall determine the rules of its proceedings, ex- <br />cept so far as the same are determined by the constitution and <br />laws of the State and charter of the City. <br />Sec. 16. Ordinances and resolutions. <br />Every proposed ordinance and resolution having the effect of <br />an ordinance shall be in writing. It may have immediate consid- <br />eration, but objection by one member shall carry it over to the <br />next meeting. <br />6 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE <br />Sec. 17. Annual budget and levy. <br />The Council shall cause to be prepared by the City Manager <br />an Annual Budget containing all proposed expenditures and <br />estimated revenues and borrowing for the ensuing year, and at <br />least 30 days thereafter shall order a City levy as provided for <br />by State law and sections 13-17 and 18 of the City Charter and <br />amendments thereto. The Council shall adopt said annual budget <br />and shall make said City levy prior to June 30th in each year. . <br />Sec. 18. Ordinances appropriating money, imposing <br />taxes, etc., vote necessary—when carried over. <br />(a) Every ordinance or resolution appropriating money ex- <br />ceeding one hundred dollars, imposing or releasing taxes, or <br />authorizing the borrowing of money, or creating a debt, or <br />donating any property of the City, where the value of such prop- <br />erty is one hundred dollars or more, a vote of a majority of all <br />members elected to the Council shall be necessary, and the <br />"Ayes" and "Noes" shall be entered on the journal of the <br />Council. <br />(b) No ordinance or resolution appropriating money exceed- <br />ing the sum of one thousand dollars, imposing taxes, or author- <br />izing the borrowing of money, shall be passed by the Council on <br />the same day of its introduction; nor shall any such ordinance <br />or resolution be valid unless at least three days intervene between <br />its introduction and passage, but this paragraph shall not apply <br />to the annual appropriations as provided in section 20, post. <br />Sec. 19. Additional expenditures beyond annual budget. <br />No money shall be expended on any department of the City <br />government beyond the amount estimated in the budget for such <br />department in the general appropriation ordinance for the fiscal <br />year unless such expenditure be authorized by the recorded vote <br />of three-fifths of all the members elected to the Council. <br />Sec. 20. Annual, quarterly and special appropriations. <br />(a) As soon as practical after the 1st day of September in <br />each year, the Council shall make an annual appropriation cov- <br />ering all fixed expenditures provided for in the Annual Budget, <br />which are approved. <br />GENERAL ORDINANCES 7 <br />(b) At the last meeting of the Council in each quarter, said <br />Council shall make quarterly appropriation covering all approved <br />expenditures in the Quarterly Estimate of the City Manager as <br />provided for in section 53, post. Said estimate together with the <br />auditor's quarterly report shall be spread in the Journal immedi- <br />ately preceding the resolution making the quarterly appropria- <br />tion, which shall be finally passed at the next succeeding regular <br />meeting of the Council. <br />(c) All other appropriations shall be deemed Special appro- <br />priations. <br />Sec. 21. Ordinances appropriating money for outside <br />highways. <br />No ordinance or resolution appropriating money for the pur- <br />pose of improving highways, airports and bridges located out- <br />side of the City, shall be passed by the Council except by a re- <br />corded affirmative vote of four-fifths of all members elected to <br />the Council. <br />Sec. 22. Granting aid to various associations. <br />No ordinance or resolution granting aid to military, agricul- <br />tural, literary, or benevolent associations, or to public charity <br />shall be passed except by the vote of three-fifths of the members <br />elected to the Council. <br />Sec. 23. Disposition of public property and franchises. <br />(1) No ordinance or resolution granting, leasing, selling or <br />otherwise disposing of any public property or franchise, shall <br />be valid unless the same be passed by the Council by a recorded <br />affirmative vote of three-fourths of all members elected to the <br />Council. <br />No franchise, lease, or right of any kind to the use of any <br />such public property in a manner not permitted to the general <br />public shall be granted for a period of over thirty years. Before <br />granting such franchise or privilege for a term of thirty years, <br />except for a trunk railway, bids therefor shall be advertised once <br />a week for four successive weeks in a newspaper published in <br />this City. Such grant, and any contract in pursuance thereof, <br />may provide that upon the termination of the grant, the plant, <br />8 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE <br />as well as the property, if any, of the grantee in the streets, ave- <br />nues and other public places, shall thereupon, without compensa- <br />tion to the grantee, or upon the payment of a fair valuation <br />therefor, be and become the property of the City, but that the <br />grantee shall be entitled to no payment by reason of the value <br />of the franchise. Every such grant shall specify the mode of <br />determining any valuation therein provided for and shall make <br />adequate provision by way of forfeiture of the grant, or other- <br />wise, to secure efficiency of public service at reasonable rates, <br />and the maintenance of the property in good order throughout <br />the term of the grant. <br />All persons, firms or corporations to whom privileges or fran- <br />chises have been or may be granted by the Council, shall pay in <br />advance for the printing and advertising of all ordinances grant- <br />ing said privileges or franchises after the approval thereof and <br />all of said printing shall be done under the supervision and di- <br />rection of the Clerk of the Council. <br />(2) The rights of the City in its gas, water, electric works <br />and sewer system, now owned or hereafter acquired, shall not <br />be sold even after such action of the Council as is prescribed in <br />clause (1) of this section, until and except such sale shall have <br />been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the City, <br />voting on the question at a special election ordered by the Coun- <br />cil, and subject in other respects to the provisions of section 24 <br />of the Charter applicable to a special election. <br />Sec. 24. Members failing to vote—disqualifications for <br />voting. <br />A member who is present and fails to vote when the "Ayes" <br />and "Noes" are taken, shall be entered on the journal as pres- <br />ent and not announcing his vote; but no member who has an <br />immediate, personal or pecuniary interest in the result of the <br />question shall either vote or be counted upon it. <br />Sec. 25. Witnesses before council and committees— <br />how attendance secured. <br />The Council, or any committee or officer of the City, when <br />specially authorized thereto by the Council, shall have the power <br />to require the attendance of any person as a witness and the <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />