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<br />extent to which they have been paved, macadamized or graded,
<br />and the grades of the same when established; (2) Location and
<br />dimensions of all culverts and sewers, water and gas mains.
<br />He shall cause to be prepared and kept on file maps and rec-
<br />ords of such improvements as may be made in the future. He
<br />shall cause to be made and kept a record of the location and di-
<br />mension of all sewers, water and gas mains not shown on the ex-
<br />isting maps and records as the same may be discovered.
<br />All heads of departments, officers and employees are directed
<br />to make such reports and furnish such information upon the af-
<br />fairs of their departments or offices as may be required by the
<br />City Manager.
<br />Sec. 56. City manager—inspection of telephone, tele-
<br />graph and other poles.
<br />He shall cause to be made such inspections as he may deem
<br />necessary of all telegraph, telephone and other poles carrying
<br />wire, erected within the corporate limits of the City and if any
<br />pole be found to be defective or dangerous from any cause, he
<br />shall notify the corporation, firm or individual owning such pole;
<br />;ind it or thev shall forthwith replace the same with a sound pole;
<br />and if such owner or owners neglect or refuse to replace such
<br />defective pole within twenty-four hours after receiving such no-
<br />tice, the person or corporation so offending shall be fined $5.00
<br />for each and every day during which said neglect or refusal shall
<br />continue.
<br />Sec. 57. City attorney—election—qualification.
<br />The Council shall elect an attorney for the City, who shall
<br />have been admitted to practice in the Courts of the Common-
<br />wealth. He shall hold office for a term of two years and be re-
<br />movable at the discretion of the Council.
<br />Sec. 58. City attorney—duties.
<br />The City Attorney shall have the management, charge and con-
<br />trol of all law business of the City, and be the legal adviser of
<br />the Council, or any committee thereof, City officers, and of the
<br />several departments of the City government, and when required
<br />shall furnish written or verbal opinons upon any subject involv-
<br />ing questions of law submitted to him by them, or any of them.
<br />Sec. 59. City attorney—duties.
<br />It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to draft all bonds.
<br />deeds, obligations, contracts, leases, conveyances, agreements or
<br />other legal instruments of whatever nature which may be re-
<br />quired of him by any ordinance or order of the Council or any
<br />committee thereof, or which may be required by any person or
<br />persons contracting with the City in its corporate capacity, and
<br />which, by law, usage or agreement the City is to be at the ex-
<br />pense of drawing. It shall also be his duty to commence and
<br />prosecute all actions and suits to be brought by the City before
<br />any tribunal in the City or State of Virginia, whether in law or
<br />in equity; and also to appear and defend and advocate the rights
<br />and interests of the City, or any of the officers thereof, in any
<br />suit or prosecution, for any act in the discharge of their official
<br />duties, wherein any estate, right, privilege, ordinance, or act of
<br />the City government may be brought in question, and when the
<br />Mayor shall direct the prosecution for a nuisance, he shall ap-
<br />pear for the prosecution when the case shall come into the Cor-
<br />poration Court and shall perform such other duties as are or
<br />may be required of him by any ordinance or resolution of the
<br />Council.
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<br />It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to assist in the prose-
<br />cution of all cases arising under the Zoning Ordinance, Building
<br />Code and License Ordinances when directed by the Council or
<br />requested so to do by the City Manager.
<br />The City Attorney shall promptly account for and pay over to
<br />the City Collector any and all funds belonging to the City, col-
<br />lected or received by him and shall at the same time of turning
<br />over such money to the City Collector, or immediately thereafter,
<br />furnish the City Auditor with an itemized statement showing
<br />from whom and for what account said money was received.
<br />At the close of each fiscal year, the City Attorney shall sub-
<br />mit to the Council a written report showing the state and con-
<br />dition of all the civil cases pending in which the City is interested.
<br />It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to attend all meetings
<br />of the Council, unless excused by the presiding officer.
<br />He shall prepare a draft of all resolutions and ordinances to
<br />be submitted to the Council, and shall inspect all matter spread
<br />upon the Journal and Ordinance book before the same is signed.
<br />The City Attorney shall attend all meetings of the committees
<br />of the Council when notified so to do by any member of such
<br />committee. or by the Clerk of the Council.
<br />Sec. 60. City attorney—salary.
<br />The salary of the City Attorney shall be fixed by the Coun-
<br />cil and shall be in full compensation of his services. When the
<br />duties of his office require his attendance out of the City his rea-
<br />sonable traveling expenses shall be allowed him.
<br />Sec. 61. City collector—election and compensation.
<br />A City Collector shall be elected by the Council for a term of
<br />two years and be removable at the will of the Council. His com-
<br />pensation shall be fixed by the Council. He shall furnish such
<br />bond as is required of him by the Council. He shall appoint
<br />such deputies as may be necessary subject to the approval of the
<br />City Council. Such deputies shall give bond as required by the
<br />Council.
<br />Sec. 62. City collector—duties.
<br />City Collector shall collect all revenues of the City and mon-
<br />eys from persons owing the same to the City except property
<br />taxes, business, professional, and occupational license taxes.
<br />He shall cause all gas and water meters to be read and shall
<br />notify each debtor of the amount of water and gas bills due by
<br />such debtor to the City and that the amount is due and payable
<br />not later than the 10th day of the month or quarter for which
<br />the bill is rendered. He shall supply the Superintendent of Pub-
<br />lic Utilities with a list of delinquents not later than the 25th day
<br />of each month or quarter, as the case may be, except when such
<br />days may fall on Sunday, and then on the following day, but the
<br />furnishing of such list of delinquents, as aforesaid, shall not re-
<br />lieve the City Collector of the responsibility of the collection of
<br />said delinquent bills.
<br />The City Collector shall keep an accurate account of all col-
<br />lections made by him and shall deliver the moneys collected by
<br />him daily to the City Treasurer, together with a statement show-
<br />ing the sources from which these funds were derived.
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