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C)3 <br />(3) No permit required for the construction, erection, or maintenance of any <br />sign shall be issued until the fee of one dollar ($1.00) has been paid. <br />(4) All applications shall be signed by the property owner and permits to be <br />issued by the City Manager shall be in writing and there shall be two originals, <br />one of which shall be delivered to applicant and the other shall be kept on file <br />in the office of the City Manager. <br />(5) It shall be hereafter unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to <br />erect or maintain any electric sign or signs except as prescribed in this section, <br />and to be permitted under this section, an electric sign must be composed entirely <br />of metal, or other suitable material, excepting the lettering or advertising <br />designs to be illuminated, which shall be composed of glass or other transparent or <br />' semi -transparent substance of sufficient thickness to be reasonably safe from easy <br />breakage; and where the electric lights illuminating said sign are concealed, there <br />shall be at least one electric light for each letter or device on the said sign and <br />not less than ten lights in any sign. All signs must be approved by the City <br />Manager. <br />1 <br />1 <br />(13) No sky sign shall be erected within the fire limits unless constructed entirely <br />of metal, including the supports and braces for game, and no sky sign shall project <br />beyond the building line. within the fire limits no sky sign shall be supported, <br />anchored or braced to the wooden beams or other framework of a building. Sky signs <br />shall be set back at least 8 feet from the cornice or walls; on a street front, shall <br />not project more than 25 feet above the roof of the building and shall have a space <br />at least 6 feet in height between the bottom of the sign and the roof. <br />(14) , (15) , (16) , (17) (18) (19) and (20) same, no change. <br />This ordinance shall be in force from its passage and all ordinances or parts of <br />ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. <br />Adopted by the Council January 17, 1938. <br />Ayes: Mr. Gleason, Dr. Haden, Mr. Huff, <br />Mr. Jessup, and Mr. Twyman. <br />Noes: Non, <br />residetht <br />AN ORDINANCE A�MENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 495 (3) OF THF' CITY CODE <br />OF 1932 ENTITLED "A RFSIDENCE DISTRICT USESIt. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that Section 495 (3) <br />of the City Code of 1932 be amended and reenacted so as to read as folloirs: <br />SEC. 495 A. (3) A residence district uses. <br />Within any A Residence District, as indicated on the Builc:ing ZDne Map, no <br />lot, building, or structure shall be used and no building or structure shall be <br />erected which is intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any <br />industrial, manufacturing, trade or commercial purpose or for any other than the <br />following specified purposes: <br />(1) Single detached residences for not more than two housekeeping units. <br />�2) The keeping of boarders or lodgers by a resident family. <br />3) The office of a resident member of a recognized profession. <br />(4) Customary home occupations, such as dressmaking, millinery, hairdressing, <br />and manicuring, laundering, preserving and home cooking, provided that such <br />occupations shall be carried on solely by resident occupants in the main building, <br />(6) Circular or cylindrical signs of not less than 5 inches nor more than 10 inches <br />in diameter, and not greater than 5 feet, nor less than 2 feet in heightor length) <br />�1) <br />will be permitted. A sign of this type shall have within it at least one 100 <br />' <br />watt light, or the equivalent in smaller lights. <br />(7) Miscellaneous signs: Other electric signs not providedfbr in the foregoing <br />classification shall be classified by the City Manager. The City Manager shall <br />have all electric signs inspected at least twice a year to pass on public safety <br />of same, and is hereby authorized to order any sign down or put in proper condition <br />at any time it becomes a danger to public safety or fails to meet with the require- <br />ments of this section. <br />(8) No sign, figure or ornament shall be permitted to project over any sidewalk <br />or street further than within two feet of the curb line. <br />(9) Circular or cylindrical signs erected under the authority of this section and <br />over hanging any sidewalk, street, avenue or alley must be placed at least 71 feet <br />above the sidewalk, street, avenue or alley, and at a distance of not greater than <br />18 inches from the building, or wall, measured from the extreme projection of the <br />sign to the nearest face of the wall or building. <br />(10) Other signs erected by authority of this section and overhanging any sidewalk, <br />street, avenue, or alley, must be placed at least nine feet above the sidewalk, <br />street, avenue, or alley. <br />(11) No sign shall be supported, anchored or braced to the wooden beams or other <br />framework of a building. Wooden supports or braces will not be permitted. <br />(12) All signs shall be designed to withstand a wind pressure of at least 30 <br />pounds per square foot of surface. <br />1 <br />1 <br />(13) No sky sign shall be erected within the fire limits unless constructed entirely <br />of metal, including the supports and braces for game, and no sky sign shall project <br />beyond the building line. within the fire limits no sky sign shall be supported, <br />anchored or braced to the wooden beams or other framework of a building. Sky signs <br />shall be set back at least 8 feet from the cornice or walls; on a street front, shall <br />not project more than 25 feet above the roof of the building and shall have a space <br />at least 6 feet in height between the bottom of the sign and the roof. <br />(14) , (15) , (16) , (17) (18) (19) and (20) same, no change. <br />This ordinance shall be in force from its passage and all ordinances or parts of <br />ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. <br />Adopted by the Council January 17, 1938. <br />Ayes: Mr. Gleason, Dr. Haden, Mr. Huff, <br />Mr. Jessup, and Mr. Twyman. <br />Noes: Non, <br />residetht <br />AN ORDINANCE A�MENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 495 (3) OF THF' CITY CODE <br />OF 1932 ENTITLED "A RFSIDENCE DISTRICT USESIt. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that Section 495 (3) <br />of the City Code of 1932 be amended and reenacted so as to read as folloirs: <br />SEC. 495 A. (3) A residence district uses. <br />Within any A Residence District, as indicated on the Builc:ing ZDne Map, no <br />lot, building, or structure shall be used and no building or structure shall be <br />erected which is intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any <br />industrial, manufacturing, trade or commercial purpose or for any other than the <br />following specified purposes: <br />(1) Single detached residences for not more than two housekeeping units. <br />�2) The keeping of boarders or lodgers by a resident family. <br />3) The office of a resident member of a recognized profession. <br />(4) Customary home occupations, such as dressmaking, millinery, hairdressing, <br />and manicuring, laundering, preserving and home cooking, provided that such <br />occupations shall be carried on solely by resident occupants in the main building, <br />