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R] MA I <br />whether the same are owned and actually operated by sep- <br />arate persons, firms, corporations or not. <br />37. Chain Store. <br />On each chain store, chain mercantile establishment or <br />chain subsidiary there shall be a license tax of ten (10) <br />cents for each $100.00 of sales made during the preceding <br />calendar year, which license tax shall be in addition to any <br />license tax prescribed by any other section or sections of <br />this ordinance. <br />For the purpose of this ordinance, a chair store, chain <br />mercantile establishment or chain subsidiary, shall be any <br />retail outlet which is actually under, or subject to, the direct <br />or indirect control, directions, or management of any indi- <br />vidual, firm, organization or corporation, foreign or do- <br />mestic, operating or maintaining six or more retail stores <br />or mercantile establishments anywhere under the same gen- <br />eral management, supervision or ownership, the net reve- <br />nue of which retail stores or mercantile establishments in- <br />ure to the benefit of, or are made available, in whole or in <br />part, immediately or ultimately, to such individual, firm, <br />or organization or corporation. This section shall apply to <br />all such retail stores or mercantile establishments located <br />within the corporate limits of this City even though they <br />may be apparently or ostensibly operated as separate or <br />independent stores or mercantile establishments, if they <br />are actually subservient to, or under the control of, such <br />individual, firm, organization or corporation in the manner <br />set forth in this section. <br />38. Cinder or Building Blocks. <br />Every person, firm or corporation manufacturing cinder <br />block or other building block, shall pay a specific license tax <br />of $75.00 per annum. <br />39. City Directory. <br />Any person, firm or corporation who shall engage in the <br />business of publishing or distributing a directory commonly <br />known as a city directory having an office or representative, <br />or making contract for work or soliciting for work in the <br />City of Charlottesville shall pay a license tax of twenty-five <br />dollars ($25). <br />40. Civil Engineers. <br />See § 14. <br />41. Cleaning and Pressing. <br />Each person, firm or corporation conducting a cleaning <br />and,or pressing establishment shall pay a specific license <br />tax of twenty dollars ($20) per annum, except that where <br />the machinery used is operated by any other power than by <br />hand the tax shall be seventy-five dollars ($75) per annum. <br />42. Cold Storage Plants. <br />Every person, firm, or corporation operating a cold stor- <br />age plant for some purpose other than for storing his own <br />goods shall pay for the storage privilege only a license tax <br />of fifty dollars ($50) per annum for each fifty thousand <br />(50.000) cubic feet capacity or major fraction thereof, pro- <br />vided, that in no case shall any such license tax exceed <br />$150.00. <br />43. Cold Storage -Rental of Lockers. <br />Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- <br />ness of renting individual lockers for cold storage of goods <br />shall pay for the privilege a license tax of $50.00. This <br />license shall not include the right to sell any products stored, <br />and if such person buys and sells any products in connec- <br />tion with such storage business, a separate merchant's li- <br />cense as hereinafter provided shall be required. <br />44. Common Criers. <br />On every license to a common crier the tax shall be <br />twenty-five dollars ($25), and he may sell under this license, <br />fowl, butter, fresh fish, fresh vegetables, fruit or articles of <br />like perishable nature. <br />45. Concrete -Ready -mixed. <br />Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- <br />ness of furnishing to others ready -mixed concrete shall pay <br />a specific license tax of $75.00 per annum. <br />46. Contractors. <br />Every contractor for the privilege of transacting busi- <br />ness shall pay a license tax to be ascertained in the following <br />manner: <br />If the gross amount of all orders or contracts for work <br />done in the State aggregate one thousand dollars or less, he <br />shall pay the sum of ten dollars, and he shall pay one dollar <br />additional on each one thousand dollars in excess of the first <br />one thousand dollars and to the amount of fifteen thousand <br />dollars, and he shall pay fifty cents additional on each one <br />thousand dollars on all orders or contracts in excess of fif- <br />teen thousand dollars; such sums shall be assessed and <br />collected as provided for by the tax laws of the State of <br />Virginia, applicable to contractors except as otherwise <br />herein provided. <br />47. Crate -Manufacture. <br />Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- <br />ness of constructing crates or sections thereof, shall pay a <br />specific license tax of $75.00 per annum. <br />48. Creamery. <br />Each person, firm or corporation manufacturing butter <br />for sale shall pay a specific license tax of $75 per annum. <br />Not transferable. <br />49. Credit Unions. <br />A credit union which makes loans only to its stockhold- <br />ers or members shall pay an annual City license tax as <br />follows: <br />Five dollars ($5.00) where the actual paid in capital <br />is not in excess of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) ; <br />ten dollars ($10.00) where the actual paid in capital is over <br />fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) and not in excess of <br />twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) ; fifteen dollars ($15.- <br />00) where the actual paid in capital is over twenty thousand <br />dollars ($20,000.00) and not in excess of fifty thousand dol- <br />lars ($50,000.00) ; twenty-five dollars ($25.00) where the <br />actual paid in capital is over fifty thousand dollars ($50,- <br />000.00) and not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars, <br />($100,000.00) ; and an additional sum of two dollars ($2.00) <br />per thousand for each one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of <br />actual paid in capital in excess of one hundred thousand <br />dollars ($100,000.00). <br />50. Dance Halls. <br />On every license to a person or firm to conduct a dance <br />hall in which dancing is to be allowed, where an admission <br />fee is charged or a charge is made for participating in such <br />dancing, the tax shall be $50, and no such license shall be <br />granted until such person or persons shall have secured the <br />consent of the Mayor, who shall satisfy himself that the <br />person or persons applying are proper persons to conduct <br />such hall. and that the location is suitable for such purpose, <br />and it is further provided that any such dance hall shall be <br />subject to such rules and regulations as are now or may here- <br />after be prescribed by the Council. Not transferable. <br />51. Daguerrean and Photographic Artists and Canvassers for Copy- <br />ing Pictures. <br />The license tax on any person engaged in business as a <br />daguerrean or photographic artist, shall be thirty dollars <br />($30). All persons canvassing this city for copying pic- <br />tures of any description shall pay a license tax of fifty dol- <br />lars ($50). Any itinerant daguerrean ofphotographic artist, <br />or any person taking orders in this city on the ticket or <br />other plan for photographs to be delivered or furnished by <br />photographers shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars ($50), <br />provided, that said license shall not be required of persons <br />taking orders for photographs licensed by this City and <br />having a fixed place of business in this City. <br />52. Dealers in Pistols, Dirks, and Bowie Knives. <br />No person, firm or corporation shall sell pistols, dirks, or <br />bowie knives without having first procured a license there- <br />for. <br />Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- <br />ness of selling pistols, dirks, or bowie knives, or who shall <br />hereafter engage in such business, shall pay for the priv- <br />ilege of transacting said business a specific license tax of <br />five dollars ($5), and no such license shall be issued for <br />any less period than one year nor shall there be any abate- <br />ment in any instance of the tax upon such license by reason <br />of the fact that the person or persons so licensed shall have <br />exercised such licensed calling for a period of less than one <br />year. Applicants for license to deal in pistols, dirks and <br />bowie knives must have the written consent of the Mayor. <br />Dealers must report all sales to Chief of Police monthly, <br />giving names and addresses of purchasers. <br />53. Dentists. <br />See § 14. <br />54. Draperies or Braids -Manufacture. <br />Each person, firm or corporation manufacturing draper- <br />ies or braids shall pay a specific license of $75.00 per annum. <br />55. Dyeing Establishments. <br />Each person, firm or corporation conducting a dyeing <br />establishment shall pay a specific license tax of ten dollars <br />($10) per annum. Not transferable. <br />56. Electric Fuses -Manufacture. <br />Each person, firm or corporation manufacturing Electric <br />Fuses shall pay a specific license of $25.00 per annum. <br />57. Electric Machines, etc. -Exhibiting. <br />Every person exhibiting for pay electrical machines for <br />testing strength or weight, or other machines or implements <br />on the street or any location, for profit, shall pay a specific <br />license tax of fifty dollars ($50.00) per annum. Not trans- <br />ferable. <br />58. Electricity. <br />Every person, firm or corporation generating or selling <br />or offering for sale or delivering electricity for light or <br />power or heat or any other commercial uses shall pay a <br />license tax of one-half of one per cent. of the gross receipts <br />of such person, firm or corporation, based upon receipts <br />from such business during the preceding calendar year. <br />In applying for such license a statement of such receipts <br />shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Revenue. <br />LJ <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />