<br />107. Shooting Gallery.
<br />On every license to keep a shooting gallery, the tax shall
<br />be $10.00 a month.
<br />108. Shows, Circuses, etc.
<br />On a circus, menagerie, tent show, or other such like
<br />exhibition or performance, within the corporate limits of the
<br />city, whether combined or separate, the license tax shall be
<br />one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) for the first per-
<br />formance or exhibition, and fifty dollars ($50.00) for each
<br />additional performance or exhibition.
<br />On a side show attached to or exhibiting with any circus,
<br />menagerie, tent show or other such like exhibition or per-
<br />formance within the corporate limits of the city, the license
<br />tax shall be twenty dollars ($20) for each performance or
<br />exhibition.
<br />No license shall be issued to any circus, menagerie, tent
<br />show, or other such like exhibition or performance unless
<br />and until the price of admissions and of seats shall have
<br />been previously generally published.
<br />If a show or other performance is conducted in connec-
<br />tion with and as an inducement for the sale of merchandise
<br />there shall be charged a license tax of $25.00 per day
<br />whether an admission is charged or not.
<br />109. Silks—Manufacture.
<br />Each person, firm or corporation manufacturing Silks
<br />shall pay a specific license of $75.00 per annum.
<br />110. Skating Rinks.
<br />On every license to the proprietor or occupier of a room
<br />fitted up or used for roller skating purposes the tax shall be
<br />fifty dollars ($50.00). Not transferable.
<br />111. Slot Machines.
<br />Any person, firm or corporation having on a street, alley
<br />or other public place or in shops, stores, hotels, boarding
<br />houses, depots, public or private rooms, or any other place
<br />anywhere in the City a slot machine of any description into
<br />which are dropped coins to dispose of any article or mer-
<br />chandise or for the purpose of operating musical or other
<br />devices that operate on the coin -in -the -slot principle, used
<br />for gain, except as a pay telephone, shall pay for every such
<br />slot machine or musical or other device as the case may be,
<br />a license tax of $5.00 per year on machine where the cus-
<br />tomer pays one cent, and a license tax of $10.00 per year on
<br />machines where the customer pays more than 1c to operate,
<br />except automatic baggage or parcel machine or receptacles
<br />which are used for the storage of baggage, parcels of any
<br />character on which shall be levied a tax of twenty-five cents
<br />per year for each receptacle that is operated on the coin -
<br />in -the -slot principle; provided however, that no such per-
<br />son, firm or corporation may keep, maintain, exhibit or
<br />operate any slot machine or any devise in which the element
<br />of chance enters or which gives out any slugs or checks or
<br />device which may be used to again operate the machine or
<br />gives any prize or any other article other than the article
<br />of merchandise or music in payment for which the coin was
<br />originally deposited; provided further, that this section
<br />shall not apply to slot machines that are used for the pur-
<br />pose of selling individual sanitary drinking cups, or U. S.
<br />Postage Stamps. Non transferable.
<br />Any person violating any provisions of this section shall
<br />be fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for
<br />each day and confiscation of the machine.
<br />Each license issued shall show the manufacturer's num-
<br />ber. If the machine has no number the license must be
<br />pasted in a conspicuous place on the machine.
<br />112. Street Venders or Merchants.
<br />On every person, whether manufacturer or not, selling
<br />upon the street or other public places, inflated balloons,
<br />plastic figures, toys, jewelry, and other small articles, the
<br />license tax shall be $10 per day. The Mayor shall, if he
<br />deem it necessary, designate the place of sale, or refuse the
<br />license. This section shall not apply to employees of a circus.
<br />113. Storing and Impounding.
<br />On every license to a person or firm to keep, for compen-
<br />sation, any house, yard or lot for storage, or other im-
<br />pounding, the tax shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) on each
<br />house, yard or lot.
<br />114. Surgeons.
<br />See § 14.
<br />115. Surveyors.
<br />See § 14.
<br />116. Tailors and Cutters.
<br />Each person or firm conducting the business of tailoring
<br />or selling suits or dresses by sample shall be deemed a
<br />merchant and subject to § 83, of this ordinance.
<br />117. Telegraph Companies.
<br />On telegraph companies or agents each for business done
<br />between this and other points within the State of Virginia,
<br />and not including any business done to or from points with-
<br />out the State, and not including business in which messages
<br />although to or from points within this state, pass through
<br />territory without this state, and not including any business
<br />done for the government of the United States, its officers,
<br />or agents, a license tax of one hundred dollars ($100) shall
<br />be paid. Provided that any company taxed under this sec-
<br />tion whose receipts do not exceed three thousand dollars
<br />($3,000.00) per annum, the tax shall be fifty dollars ($50).
<br />118. Telephone Companies.
<br />On each telephone company the license tax shall be one-
<br />half of one per cent. on the gross receipts of such company.
<br />The gross receipts on which percentage is charged shall in-
<br />clude all phone service known as mutual, all revenue derived
<br />from long distance service, and all moneys derived from the
<br />use of the switch board by local lines, expressly excepting
<br />business done between this city and points without the state,
<br />and messages sent to or received by the government of the
<br />United States or this state or their agents or officers.
<br />This license tax shall be assessable and payable in like
<br />manner as that of the State.
<br />119. Theatricals.
<br />On every theatrical performance or any performance
<br />similar thereto, panorama or any public performance or ex-
<br />hibition of any kind there shall be paid five dollars ($5.00)
<br />for each performance or fifteen dollars ($15.00) per week
<br />of a continuous performance, except for charitable, educa-
<br />tional, or benevolent purposes, and with the further ex-
<br />ception of road or tab shows held in conjunction with the
<br />usual cinema attraction, where the price of admission for
<br />the entire performance does not exceed fifty cents. But on
<br />every such performance or exhibition, attendance upon
<br />which is solicited by a barker or by public crying in the
<br />streets of the City, or in such a manner as to be heard on the
<br />streets of the City, there shall be paid twenty-five dollars
<br />($25.00) per day.
<br />120. Tobacco, Snuff, etc., Retailers.
<br />No person not a producer shall be allowed to sell by retail
<br />tobacco, snuff, cigars, or cigarettes, without having obtained
<br />a specific license to do so.
<br />The sum to be paid by retailers of tobacco, snuff, cigars
<br />or cigarettes shall be for said privilege a specific tax of five
<br />dollars ($5.00), which shall be assessed and collected as
<br />other assessments upon license, but which shall not be in
<br />lieu of merchants' license on sales.
<br />This section shall be construed to require of any person
<br />taking out this special license tax to sell tobacco, snuff,
<br />cigars or cigarettes a merchants' license in addition thereto
<br />based on amount of sales.
<br />121. Undertakers, Embahners and Funeral Directors.
<br />Every person, firm or corporation who is engaged in the
<br />business as an undertaker, embalmer, or funeral director
<br />shall pay a license tax of one hundred and twenty-five dol-
<br />lars ($125.00), and in addition thereto, if the gross receipts
<br />of such person, firm or corporation, for the preceding cal-
<br />endar year, exceeded $10,000.00, an additional sum of
<br />thirty cents (30c) for each $100.00 of excess of such re-
<br />ceipts over $10,000.00.
<br />122. Vehicles For Hire.
<br />On every two -horse wagon or dray used for hire, ten
<br />dollars ($10.00).
<br />On every one-horse wagon or dray used for hire, five
<br />dollars ($5.00).
<br />On every motor driven vehicle operated on the streets
<br />of the City of Charlottesville for public hire the tax shall
<br />be twenty dollars ($20.00).
<br />The tax under this section shall be in addition to the
<br />tax imposed by section 123 hereof.
<br />Any person desiring to surrender a license for one-horse
<br />vehicles and have issued therefor a license for a two -horse
<br />vehicle shall be entitled to a credit for the unexpired part of
<br />the license surrendered.
<br />Any person, non-resident, hauling goods, or letting his
<br />vehicle or vehicles out for hire on the public streets of this
<br />city, shall be held liable under this ordinance.
<br />Every licensed wagon, dray, or other vehicle, shall have
<br />its license number plainly marked on metal or other mate-
<br />rial and placed on the rear face of the rear axle thereof, or
<br />other conspicuous place. This paragraph not to apply to
<br />vehicles rented without driver.
<br />Such license number shall be supplied by the Commts-
<br />sioner of Revenue.
<br />It shall be unlawful to transfer a tag from one vehicle to
<br />another, except in case of a vehicle being temporarily dis-
<br />abled.
<br />The Chief of Police is hereby designated Wagon Inspec-
<br />tor and it shall be his duty to see that all vehicles for which
<br />a license is required under this section shall have their num-
<br />bers properly displayed, and if any vehicle be found without
<br />such number it shall be his duty to ascertain the name of
<br />the owner and require said license to be procured under
<br />penalty as provided in the general provisions of this ordi-
<br />nance. And in all cases where the number is not properly
<br />displayed the delinquent shall be fined not less than $1.50
<br />nor more than $5.00.
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