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license tax on all sales made during the preceding calendar <br />year as follows: <br />If the amount of sales shall not exceed $2,000.00 the <br />tax shall be $20.00. <br />On all sales over $2,000.00 and not exceeding $100,- <br />000.00 the tax shall be twenty-seven cents (27c) on the <br />$100.00 in excess of $2,000.00. <br />On all sales over $100,000.00 and not exceeding $200,- <br />000.00 the tax shall be fifteen cents (15c) on the $100.00 <br />in excess of $100,000.00. <br />On all sales in excess of $200,000.00 the tax shall be <br />twelve cents (12c) on the $100.00. <br />Where any person, firm or corporation engaged in the <br />business of a retail merchant makes charges for services <br />rendered in connection with such business, including repair <br />work, the gross amount received for such services shall be <br />included in the sales on which the merchants' license tax is <br />calculated, unless a separate license tax is paid to the City <br />in connection with the furnishing of such services. <br />86. Merchants—Wholesale. <br />Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- <br />ness of a wholesale merchant shall for each separate place <br />of business conducted in the City of Charlottesville pay a <br />license tax on all purchases made during the preceding <br />calendar year as follows: <br />If the amount of purchases shall not exceed $10,000.00 <br />the tax shall be $75.00. <br />On all purchases over $10,000.00 and less than $50,- <br />000.00 the tax shall be forty-five cents (45c) on the $100.00 <br />in excess of $10,000.00. <br />On all purchases in excess of $50,000.00 the tax shall be <br />ten cents (10c) on the $100.00. <br />87. Me-chants—Commission—Merchandise Brokers. <br />Every person, firm or corporation buying or selling for <br />another any kind of merchandise except cider on commis- <br />sion shall be deemed a commission merchant whether such <br />commission be determined by a percentage of sales or by <br />the volume of sales or by the number of packages sold. <br />Every person, firm or corporation doing business in <br />this city who orders or solicits orders for, receives or <br />distributes provisions of merchandise including flour, hay <br />or grain shipped into this city from points within this <br />state for distribution on account of the shipper, or shipped <br />direct to the buyer, and participates in the profits ensuing <br />from or accruing out of the sales of such provisions or <br />merchandise including hay or grain, or receives compensa- <br />tion in any form for his services whether he invoices such <br />sale and collects the money therefor or not shall be deemed <br />a merchandise broker. <br />The tax on commission merchants or merchandise <br />brokers shall be fifty dollars ($50.00), provided the com- <br />mission or compensation did not exceed $1,000.00; but <br />when the commission or compensation exceeded $1,000.00, <br />the tax shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) and an additional <br />tax of ten dollars ($10.00) for each $1,000.00 or fraction <br />thereof in excess of $1,000.00. <br />A person, firm or corporation who is both a commission <br />merchant and a merchandise broker shall pay only one tax <br />under this section. <br />88. Merchants—Tobacco. <br />See § 121. <br />89. Merchandise Broker. <br />See § 87. <br />90. Merchandise Shipped in Sold and Delivered. <br />Every person, firm or corporation, including manufac- <br />turers or dealers who are not taxed under any other ordi- <br />nance of this city, who ship merchandise into this city to a <br />definite storage place for the purpose of sale, and sell or <br />offer for sale such merchandise, or any part thereof, whether <br />the sale, or offer for sale be made before or after the arrival <br />of such merchandise in the city, and whether delivery be <br />made at the time of sale or not, shall pay a license tax of <br />$100.00. <br />91. Milk Depot. <br />Every person, firm or corporation buying and selling <br />sweet milk shall pay a specific license tax of one hundred <br />dollars ($100.00) per annum. <br />92. Monuments and Tombstones. <br />Each person, firm or corporation or agent conducting <br />the business of making or selling tombstones, monuments, <br />etc., shall pay a retail merchant's license, which license shall <br />be based on the gross receipts of such person, firm or cor- <br />poration. <br />93. Moving Picture Shows. <br />For the exhibition or giving of any moving picture show, <br />where the price of admission does not exceed the sum of <br />fifty cents, exclusive of United States admission tax, and <br />where the seating capacity of any such place of amusement <br />is as follows the tax shall be: <br />600 seats or less..............................................$200.00 <br />601 to 900 seats .............................................. 250.00 <br />901 to 1200 seats. ........................................... 300.00 <br />1201 seats and up ............................................ 350.00 <br />X91 <br />Where the admission exceeds fifty cents, exclusive of <br />United States admission tax, the license tax as prescribed <br />in Section 120 shall apply. <br />94. Musicians—Itinerant. <br />Every itinerant musician performing in the streets of <br />this city, such as organ -grinders, bag -pipe blowers, etc., <br />shall pay a specific license tax of twenty-five dollars ($25) <br />per day. <br />95. Oculists. <br />See § 14. <br />96. Opticians. <br />See § 14. <br />97. Pawnbrokers. <br />On every license to a pawnbroker the specific license tax <br />shall be one hundred dollars ($100) for one year or frac- <br />tional part thereof. Not transferable. <br />98. Peanut and Popcorn Venders. <br />On street venders of peanuts and popcorn the license tax <br />shall be ten dollars ($10). <br />99. (a) Peddlers. <br />Any person who shall carry from place to place, any <br />goods, wares, or merchandise, and offer to sell or barter the <br />same, or actually sell or barter the same, shall be deemed a <br />peddler, and any person licensed as a peddler may sell any <br />personal property a merchant may sell, or he may exchange <br />the same for other articles. <br />A peddler's license shall not be transferable, and any <br />person so licensed shall endorse his name on said license, <br />and such license shall confer authority to sell within the <br />City of Charlottesville. <br />Any peddler who shall peddle for sale or sell or barter <br />without a license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on <br />conviction thereof shall be fined not less than twenty-five <br />dollars, and not more than one hundred dollars for each of- <br />fense ; and any person selling or offering to sell as a peddler <br />shall exhibit his license on demand of any citizen of this <br />city; and upon his failure or refusal to do so he shall be <br />subject to the penalties for peddling without a license. <br />All persons who do not keep a regular place of business <br />(whether it be a house or a vacant lot, or elsewhere) , open <br />at all times in regular business hours and at the same place, <br />who shall offer for sale goods, wares and merchandise, shall <br />be deemed peddlers under this section. All persons who <br />keep a regular place of business, open at all times in reg- <br />ular hours and at the same place, who shall elsewhere than <br />at such place of business, personally, or through their agent, <br />offer for sale or sell, and at the time of such offering for <br />sale, deliver goods, wares and merchandise, shall also be <br />deemed peddlers as above, but this section shall not apply <br />to those who sell or offer for sale in person or by their em- <br />ployees, ice, wood, meats, milk, butter, eggs, poultry, fish, <br />oysters, game, vegetables, fruit or other family supplies of <br />a perishable nature grown or produced by them and not <br />purchased by them for sale. <br />For the privilege of peddling or bartering in the City of <br />Charlottesville, there shall be paid one hundred dollars for <br />each person so engaged or employed in the City of Char- <br />lottesville, when he travels on foot, and when he peddles <br />otherwise than on foot, the tax shall be two hundred dollars, <br />except that tax on peddlers of ice, wood, meat, milk, butter, <br />eggs, poultry, fish, oysters, game, vegetables, fruit or other <br />family supplies of a perishable nature not grown or pro- <br />duced by them, shall be fifty dollars for each vehicle used <br />in such peddling in the City of Charlottesville. <br />Every vehicle used in peddling as aforesaid shall have <br />conspicuously displayed thereon the name of the peddler <br />using the same, together with the street and number, city <br />and state of his residence. <br />Nothing in this section shall be construed to require of <br />any farmer a peddler's license for the privilege of selling; <br />or peddling farm products, wood, or charcoal grown or pro- <br />duced by him. <br />Every license issued under this section shall expire on <br />the thirtieth day of April of each year. No license issued <br />under this section shall be prorated. <br />The license taxes imposed by this subsection shall not <br />apply to any peddler who is covered by subsection (b) of <br />this section, and who sells to licensed dealers or retailer:= <br />only. <br />99 (b) Peddlers of Goods, Wares or Merchandise Who Sell to <br />Licensed Dealers. <br />There is hereby imposed an annual city license tax on <br />every person, firm and corporation, (other than a distributor <br />and/or vendor of motor vehicle fuels and petroleum prod- <br />ucts, tobacco, or seafood, a farmer, a farmers' cooperative <br />association, a producer, or a manufacturer taxable on capi- <br />tal by the State of Virginia, or a distributor of manufactured <br />goods paying a State license tax on his purchases), who or <br />which peddles goods, wares, and merchandise by selling and <br />delivering the same at the same time to licensed dealers or <br />retailers at other than a definite place of business operated <br />by the seller. <br />