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TAXES ON LICENSES <br />50. Dentists. <br />See 14. <br />51. Draperies or Braids -Manufacture. <br />13 <br />Each person, firm or corporation manufacturing draperies <br />or braids shall pay a specific license of $100.00 per annum. <br />52. Dyeing Establishments. <br />Each person, firm or corporation conducting a dyeing <br />establishment shall pay a specific license tax of ten dollars <br />($10) per annum. Not transferable. <br />53. Electric Machines, etc. -Exhibiting. <br />Every person exhibiting for pay electrical machines for <br />testing strength or weight, or other machines or implements <br />on the street or any location, for profit, shall pay a specific <br />license tax of fifty dollars ($50.00) per annum. Not transferable. <br />54. Electricity. <br />Every person, firm or corporation generating or selling or <br />offering for sale or delivering electricity for light or power or <br />heat or any other commercial uses shall pay a license tax of <br />one-half of one per cent. of the gross receipts of such person, <br />firm or corporation, based upon receipts from such business <br />during the preceding calendar year. In applying for such license <br />a statement of such receipts shall be submitted to the Commis- <br />sioner of Revenue. <br />55. Flooring Manufacturing. <br />Every person, firm or corporation manufacturing flooring <br />shall pay a specific license tax of $100.00 per annum. <br />56. Florists. <br />On every person or firm engaged as a florist, a specific <br />license tax of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) shall be imposed, and <br />if they engage in buying and selling, they shall be deemed mer- <br />chants and shall pay accordingly. <br />TAXES ON LICENSES <br />64. Gasoline. <br />See 83. <br />65. Gasoline and Other Petroleum Products Outside City. <br />15 <br />Any person, firm or corporation whose storage tanks are <br />located outside of the corporate limits of the city who trans- <br />ports gasoline or other petroleum products of like nature on or <br />through the streets of this city for sale or delivery to wholesale <br />or retail merchants for resale in this city shall pay a license <br />tax for the privilege of doing such business in this city, the <br />same to be graduated by the amount of sales or delivered price <br />made by him or it of such commodities sold or delivered in this <br />City during the next preceding year, or, in the case of starting <br />business during the year, the estimated amount of sales which <br />will be so made during the balance of the license year, the <br />amount to be paid to be the same as that required of a retail <br />merchant. <br />This section shall not apply to a person, firm, or corporation <br />who or which has paid or is assessable a business license under <br />some other section of this ordinance. <br />6C. Hobby Horses, Merry -Go -Rounds, Ferris Wheels, etc. <br />On every license to keep a Hobby Horse, Merry -Go -Round, <br />Ferris Wheel or other like amusement, the tax shall be fifty <br />dollars ($50.00) per week and no license shall be issued under <br />this section for a shorter period than one week. And such <br />license, shall be a personal privilege and only granted by order <br />of the Mayor, except where conducted in connection with <br />County Fairs, in which case no tax shall be imposed. <br />67. Hotels. <br />Any person who keeps a public inn or lodging house of <br />more than ten bedrooms where transient guests are lodged for <br />pay shall be deemed for the purpose of this section to be en- <br />gaged in the business of keeping a hotel. <br />A transient guest is one who puts up for less than one week <br />at such hotel, but such a house is no less a hotel because some <br />of its guests put up for longer periods than one week. <br />Any person conducting the business of keeping a hotel as <br />defined in this section shall pay an annual license tax of two <br />dollars ($2.00) for each bedroom and fifty cents ($0.50) for each <br />bathroom in said hotel. <br />14 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE • <br />57. Flour and Meal Manufacture. <br />On every license to a manufacturer of flour or meal, the <br />tax shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) for each license. But <br />when such manufacturer deals in flour, meal or other grain <br />products other than his own manufacture he shall be required <br />to procure a merchants' license graduated by the amount of <br />such purchases. <br />58. Fortune Tellers <br />Every person practicing the art of divination, fortune <br />telling, palmistry, astrology, or phrenology who shall practice <br />the same in this city, shall pay a tax of one hundred and fifty <br />dollars ($150.00) per week. Not transferable. <br />59. Foundry and Machine Shops. <br />On every license to a foundry the tax shall be fifty dollars <br />• <br />($50) . On every license to a machine shop, the tax shall be <br />fifty dollars ($50). But if a foundry be conducted in conjunction <br />with a machine shop the combined tax shall be one hundred <br />dollars ($100.00). <br />60. Furnace and Metal Furniture Manufacturing. <br />Every person, firm or corporation manufacturing metal <br />furniture or furnaces shall pay a specific license tax of $100.00 <br />per annum. <br />• <br />61. Furniture Upholsterer or Repairer. <br />On every license to a furniture upholsterer or repairer the <br />tax shall be ten dollars ($10) . <br />62. Garage Storage. <br />Every person who shall keep a garage for storage of auto- <br />mobiles shall pay a tax of $25.00 and $0.50 additional for each <br />vehicle for the storage capacity of such garage. <br />Shops for repairing automobiles whether conducted in con- <br />nection with a garage or separately, shall be required to pay <br />the license tax provided for in Sec. 103. <br />63. Garment Manufacture. <br />Every person, firm or corporation, manufacturing garments <br />shall pay a specific license tax of $100.00. <br />I� <br />16 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE <br />The payment of the license tax provided by this section <br />shall not exempt the person paying such tax from the payment <br />of a restaurant license tax as provided in this ordinance if a <br />restaurant or dining room is operated in connection with said <br />hotel. <br />68. Ice Dealers or Distributors. <br />A specific tax is hereby imposed on each person, other than <br />an ice manufacturer, who sells or distributes ice in the city, <br />of fifty dollars ($50.00) . <br />69. Ice Manufacture. <br />Every person, firm or corporation manufacturing ice for <br />sale, or dealing in ice imported into this city, shall pay a <br />• <br />license tax of one hundred dollars ($100.00). <br />70. Ice Cream or Sherbet -Manufacture. <br />(a) On each and every establishment for the manufactur- <br />ing of and selling at wholesale or wholesale and retail, ice <br />creamor sherbet ........ _.....................................................................................................$100.00 <br />(b) On each and every establishment for the manufactur- <br />ing of and selling at retail in his own establishment, ice cream <br />orsherbet.......................................................................................................................................$10.00 <br />71. Junk Dealers. <br />On every license to a junk dealer the tax shall be fifty <br />dollars ($50) and on every person who shall engage in the busi- <br />ness of buying junk or other matter for a junk dealer or for <br />sale to a junk dealer, the tax shall be thirty dollars ($30). <br />Where such a dealer engages in buying and selling of wool, <br />hides or furs, he shall pay a merchants' tax in addition. <br />72. Laundries. <br />Every person, firm or corporation who operates a laundry <br />shad pay for the privilege of conducting such business, if it <br />be a laundry operated other than by hand, in this city, a license <br />tax of one hundred dollars ($100.00), and in addition thereto, if <br />the gross receipts of such person, firm or corporation, for the <br />preceding calendar year, exceeded $50,000.00, an additional sum <br />of ten cents (10c) for each $100.00 of excess of such receipts over <br />• <br />$50,000.00. <br />