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(h) -Keung Proper Records. <br />• Every person liable for a license tax under this ordinance which <br />is based on actual or probable purchases or sales, actual or probable <br />commissions, gross receipts from a business or profession, contracts <br />or orders accepted or graded in any other way, shall where such tax <br />is based on actual or probable purchases, or sales, keep all invoices <br />and a record of all purchases and from whom made, a record of all <br />sales and where otherwise base, keep a record of . all commissions, <br />gross receipts, and contracts or orders accepted, from whom received <br />and with whom made, and the report of such purchases, sales, com- <br />missions, receipts, contracts or other accepted, required to be made <br />for the computation of said license tax, shall be taken from such in- <br />voices and records, and general books of account. <br />All such invoices and records and general books of account shall <br />be open to inspection and examination by the Director of Finance, <br />Commissioner of the Revenue, License Inspector or any other officer <br />of the City of Charlottesville charged in any manner with the duty <br />of assessing or collecting license taxes. <br />Any person who shall fail or refuse to keep such invoices and rec- <br />ords as above provided, shall be assessed with and pay a penalty, of <br />$25.00, in addition to the license tax imposed. <br />( i ) Evidence of Business. <br />When any person, firm or corporation, shall by use of signs, <br />circulars, cards or use of city newspapers, or local radio stations, ad- <br />vertise any business, it shall be considered prima facie evidence of <br />their liability under the ordinance of this city, and they shall be re- <br />quired to take out a license for such business. <br />• <br />(j) Beginning Business. <br />For the purpose of ascertaining the tax to be paid by every per- <br />son, firm, or corporation beginning business whose license tax is based <br />on sales, purchases, gross receipts or commissions, the license shall <br />be based on the estimated amount of sales, purchases, gross receipts <br />or commissions which will be made during the balance of the license <br />year. In the case of any merchant operating a seasonal or temporary <br />business the estimated license tax paid shall not be less than $150.00. <br />Every underestimate or overestimate under this paragraph shall be <br />subject to correction by the Commissioner of Revenue whose duty it <br />shall be to review all estimated licenses and assess any additional <br />licenses as may be found to be due after the close of the license year <br />"__4 <br />on the basis of true sales, purchases, gross receipts or commissions, <br />and any taxpayer who has overestimated shall be entitled to a refund <br />of the mount so overestimated. <br />( k ) Record—Classified. <br />And it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Revenue to re- <br />port in writing to the Mayor and Chief of Police every case of default <br />as soon as it comes to his knowledge. The Chief of Police shall cause <br />such delinquent, whether reported by the Commissioner of Revenue <br />or otherwise brought to his attention, to be summoned before the <br />Civil and Police Justice to show cause why they should not be fined <br />under the provisions of this ordinance. It shall be the duty of the police <br />force in general to assist in the enforcement of this ordinance. <br />(1) Record—Classified. <br />It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the Revenue to keep <br />a book, in which he shall classify all the branches of business and <br />occupation upon which a license is imposed by this ordinance, and <br />show the amount of assessment made upon each license, the name of <br />the person assessed, and the period for which such license was issued. <br />(m) Specific License. <br />Whenever a specific license is herein imposed such license shall <br />be in addition to the merchant's license unless otherwise provided. <br />(n) Pro -ration <br />Every license granted shall not be prorated for the unexpired <br />portion of the license year unless otherwise provided. <br />• (o) Transfer. <br />No City license shall be transferred from any person, firm or <br />corporation to another person, firm or corporation, except for the con- <br />tinuation of the same business at the same location for which the <br />license was orginally issued. The fee for such transfer shall be fifty <br />cents. <br />(p) Fees. <br />The Commissioner of the Revenue shall assess for each license <br />issued by him a fee of fifty cents, to be paid by the party to whom the <br />said license is issued, which said fees shall be paid to the City Treas- <br />urer. <br />(q) Due date. <br />The taxes on licenses accruing under the provisions of this ordi- <br />nance shall be due and payable except where otherwise herein pro- <br />vided, on or before the first day of June, 1963, and shall be paid by <br />the person against who assessed to the Treasurer of the City in his <br />office on or before the first day of June. <br />:' 104..Savings Clause. <br />Should any part of this ordinance be held unconstitutional or <br />invalid, it shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect as to the <br />remaining portions thereof. <br />(s) License Inspector. <br />The Mayor may appoint for such period as he may deem ad- <br />visable, at such compensation as the Council may approve a License <br />Inspector whose duty it shall be to investigate and ascertain whether <br />each person, firm or corporation, engaged in any business or profes- <br />sion for which a license is required under this or any ordinance of the <br />City of Charlottesville has secured a proper license. And in any case <br />in which the amount of tax for such license is based on sales or pur- <br />chases or the amount of business done, the said License Inspector shall <br />have the power to summon the person, firm or corporation engaged in <br />such business or profession before him for examination under oath, <br />and require the production of any books, accounts, or records of such <br />person, firm or corporation for inspection by said License Inspector. <br />And the said License Inspector is further authorized and em- <br />powered to make such other and further investigations, examinations <br />and audits of the records, books, and accounts of such person, firm or <br />corporation as he shall deem proper in order to determine accurately <br />the amount of license taxes properly payable. <br />If it shall appear that purchases, sales, or amount of business or <br />any other matter pertinent to the assessment of license taxes have been <br />incorrectly reported or returned the said Inspector shall report his <br />findings to the Director of Finance, who shall, if he be satisfied that <br />an incorrect report or return has been made, direct the Commissioner <br />of Revenue to assess a proper license tax in accordance with the find- <br />ings of the Inspector. <br />Any person, firm or corporation who shall fail to appear before <br />said Inspector to produce such records, books and papers, when duly <br />summoned or shall refuse to permit said Inspector to make such other <br />and further investigation and audit of said books and papers as afore- <br />said, shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than $10.00 nor <br />more than $200.00. <br />In performance of the duties hereby imposed, the License In- <br />spector shall be subject to the supervision and direction of the Director <br />of Finance. <br />(t) Oath to Application. <br />Every person liable to a license tax under this ordinance shall <br />make application in writing therefor and each such license is based <br />upon the amount of his actual or probable purchases, or sales, or of <br />his actual or probable commissions, or of the gross receipts from his <br />business or profession, or graded in any other way, shall before he <br />shall be granted such license, he required to make oath in writing be- <br />fore some Notary Public, not himself a state or city officer, or directly <br />or indirectly employed by such officer, or before the Commissioner of <br />Revenue, in such application stating, respectively, the amount of his <br />actual or probable purchases, or sales, or of his actual or probable <br />commissions, or of the gross receipts from his business or profession, <br />or any other matter that may be pertinent to the assessment of the tax <br />on such license; provided, that in the case of an incorporated company, <br />such oaths shall be made by the chief officers or agent resident in the <br />City of Charlottesville, or in charge of the business of said company, <br />and in the case of a firm, by any member thereof. The said form to <br />provide that the application and oath shall be separately made and <br />signed. <br />(u) Zoning. <br />The Commissioner of Revenue shall not knowingly issue a license <br />for conducting any business, profession, trade or occupation at a <br />location where the conduct of such business, profession, trade or <br />occupation is prohibited by the zoning laws of the City of Chara- <br />lottesville. <br />(s) Penalty for failure to file statement required or <br />making a false statement. <br />If any person subject to the payment of a license tax required <br />under this ordinance, shall fail or refuse to file the statement or state- <br />ments required by this ordinance, or who shall make any false state- <br />ment in the affiadvit required by this ordinance, shall upon conviction <br />thereof be fined not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00 or con- <br />fined in jail for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion <br />of the court or jury. <br />All ordinances or parts of ordinances relating to licenses in con- <br />flict herewith are hereby repealed. <br />ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL <br />MARCH 15, 1965 <br />AYES: MR. HAGGERTY,, MR. <br />MR. RENNOLDS AND <br />MR. SCRIBNER. <br />NOES: NONE. (MR. MOUNT <br />CLERK PRESIDENT <br />PONT ON , <br />ABSENT) <br />