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LICENSES <br />TAXES ON LICENSES <br />AN ORDINANCE for imposing and collecting Licenses and <br />Taxes for the exercise of certain privileges within the City <br />of Charlottesville for twelve months, commencing the first <br />day of May, 1968 and ending the thirtieth day of April, <br />1969. <br />Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Charlottesville <br />that there shall be an annual license tax assessed and paid by <br />all persons, firms, or corporations engaged in the different oc- <br />cupations, professions, or businesses named in this ordinance <br />and enumerated below for the year beginning the first day of <br />May, 1968 and ending the thirtieth day of April, 1969. <br />1. Advertising Distributors. <br />Every person engaged in distributing advertisements for <br />other parties than citizens of Charlottesville shall be known <br />as advertising distributors, and shall pay an annual license <br />tax of twenty dollars ($20) . By advertising distributors, it is <br />intended to designate any person who distributes in the City of <br />Charlottesville, almanacs, pamphlets, or samples of medicine <br />or other merchandise on the streets or from house to house of <br />said city. <br />2. Advertising—Loud Speakers on Vehicles. <br />For each vehicle used on the streets of the City for adver- <br />tising by means of loud speakers, radio, or other mechanical <br />equipment, there shall be an annual fee of $100.00, which li- <br />cense fee shall not be prorated. The payment of this license <br />fee shall not convey the privilege to the licensee of producing <br />sound of such volume as to constitute a public nuisance, and <br />the operation of such equipment shall at all times be subject <br />to the direction of the Chief of Police. Permits shall be secur- <br />ed from the Chief of Police before exercising any privileges <br />granted under this license. NON -TRANSFERABLE. <br />3. Agents—Books. <br />On every agent for sale of books, maps, pictures, periodi- <br />cals, printed pamphlets, or canvassers for the same, other <br />than religious work fifteen dollars ($15) . NOT TRANSFER- <br />ABLE. <br />