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12/7/2023 6:37:07 PM
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12/7/2023 6:37:05 PM
City Council
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CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 5, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. <br />Council Chamber, 605 E. Main Street <br />The Charlottesville City Council met at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Mayor Lloyd <br />Snook called the meeting to order and Clerk of Council Kyna Thomas called the roll, noting the following councilors present: Mayor Lloyd Snook, Vice Mayor Juandiego Wade and Councilors Brian Pinkston and Leah Puryear. Mayor Snook stated that Councilor Payne provided notice that he was in transit to the meeting. <br />On motion by Pinkston, seconded by Puryear, Council by a vote of 4-0 (Payne absent) approved the meeting agenda. <br /> REPORTS <br />1. REPORT: City of Charlottesville Strategic Plan (Raftelis) <br />City Manager Sam Sanders introduced the presentation which precedes a vote later in the meeting to adopt the updated City of Charlottesville Strategic Plan Framework. Michelle Ferguson, Raftelis Financial Consultants, summarized steps that led to the current draft of the Strategic Outcome Areas, including work sessions held in May 2023 and engagement with staff, and she provided an overview of the overall framework. <br /> Councilor Payne joined the meeting at 4:09 p.m. Councilor Pinkston asked about next steps for making the Strategic Plan actionable, and Mr. Sanders explained that Council's first action item is adoption of the Strategic Plan later in the <br />meeting, and that he and city departments will prioritize the Strategic Plan in their work plans. Vice Mayor Wade requested adding Food Equity as a focus area. Mr. Sanders stated that the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) item includes food equity, and that JEDI is integrated into all areas of the Plan. <br /> Councilor Puryear asked about measures for ensuring implementation of JEDI in the Strategic Plan. Mr. Sanders stated that each category will have a component of JEDI that will roll into the overall success measures for JEDI as a whole. <br />CLOSED MEETING <br />On motion by Pinkston, seconded by Puryear, Council voted 5-0 (Ayes: Payne, Pinkston, Puryear, Snook, Wade; Noes: none) to meet in closed meeting as authorized by Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(8), consultation with the City Attorney regarding legal matters requiring the <br />provision of legal advice, specifically, legal matters regarding notice and public hearing <br />requirements for the adoption of the City’s new zoning ordinance. After it was brought to Council’s attention that a provision of the closed meeting notice was missed, Mayor Snook called the meeting back to order.
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