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<br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that Section 7 of
<br />Chapter 3 of the Charlottesville City Code of 1945 as heretofore amended, be and the same
<br />is hereby amended and reenacted so as to read as follows:
<br />It shall be unlawful to keep within the city limits between the hours of
<br />10:00 P. M. and 5:00 A. M. any herd, flock or group of cattle, calves, sheep or
<br />swine intended for shipment or sale; provided that this section shall not apply
<br />between the hours of 10:00 P. M. on Saturday and 5:00 A. M. on Sunday, and shall
<br />not apply to animals which may have been delivered to any railway company for
<br />shipment, while in the custody of such railway company.
<br />Three or more animals shall be considered a herd, flock or group within the
<br />terms of this section.
<br />Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not less
<br />than ten dollars and not more than twenty—five dollars for each day such violation
<br />continues.
<br />AN ORDINANCE for imposing and collecting Licenses and
<br />Taxes for the exercise of certain privileges within
<br />the City of Charlottesville for twelve months, com-
<br />mencing the first day of May, 1947, and ending the
<br />thirtieth day of April, 1948.
<br />Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Charlottes-
<br />ville that there shall be an annual license tax assessed and
<br />paid by all persons, firms, or corporations engaged in the
<br />different occupations, professions, or businesses named in
<br />this ordinance and enumerated below for the year beginning
<br />the first day of May, 1947, and ending the thirtieth day of
<br />April, 1948.
<br />1. Abattoirs.
<br />Every person, firm or corporation operating an abattoir,
<br />or an establishment of -like kind at which animals are
<br />slaughtered, shall pay a license tax of $100 .00.
<br />2. Advertising Distrbutors.
<br />Every person engaged in distributing, advertisements
<br />for other parties than citizens of Charlottesville shall be
<br />known as advertising distributors, and shall pay an annual
<br />license tax of twenty dollars ($20) . By advertising distrib-
<br />utors, it is intended to designate any person who distributes
<br />in the City of Charlottesville, almanacs, pamphlets, or sam-
<br />ples of medicine or other merchandise on the streets or
<br />from house to house of said city.
<br />3. Advertising—Loud Speakers on Vehicles.
<br />For each vehicle used on the streets of the City for ad-
<br />vertising by means of loud speakers, radio, or other me-
<br />chanical equipment, there shall be an annual license fee of
<br />$100.00, which license fee shall not be prorated. The pay-
<br />ment of this license fee shall not convey the privilege to the
<br />licensee of producing sound of such volume as to constitute
<br />a public nuisance, and the operation of such equipment shall
<br />at all times be subject to the direction of the Chief of Police.
<br />Permits shall be secured from the Chief of Police before ex-
<br />ercising any privileges granted under this license. Non-
<br />transferable.
<br />4. Agents—Books.
<br />On every agent for sale of books, maps, pictures, period-
<br />icals, printed pamphlets, or canvassers for the same, other
<br />than religious work ten dollars ($10) . Not transferable.
<br />S. Agents—Canvassers.
<br />On all agents not otherwise provided for the license tax
<br />shall be ten dollars ($10).
<br />6. Agents—Collection or Claim.
<br />On every person or firm acting as collecting claim agents,
<br />other than those who pay a license as attorneys at law, the
<br />tax shall be twenty-five dollars ($25).
<br />Adopted by the Council February 3, 1947
<br />Ayes: Mr. Adams, Mr. Gleason, Mr. Nash,
<br />]Ar. Tebell and Mr. Watson.
<br />Noes: None. __,
<br />President
<br />7. Agents—Fruit Trees, etc.
<br />On agents selling fruit trees, etc., the license tax shall
<br />be ten dollars ($10) .
<br />S. Agents—Labor.
<br />On every labor agent engaged in hiring labor (all busi-
<br />ness to be transacted in his office, except by written or tele-
<br />phonic communication) the license tax shall be $25.
<br />If the business is transacted at any other place in the
<br />city outside of such office, the license tax shall be $500.
<br />9. Agents—Musical Instruments.
<br />On every person acting as agent for selling pianos, melo-
<br />dians, parlor organs or other musical instruments, thirty-
<br />five dollars ($35) .
<br />10. Agents—Non-Resident Fertilizer Companies.
<br />Every person acting as agent for the sale in this city of
<br />fertilizers manufactured by non-resident fertilizing com-
<br />panies, whether selling on commission or for other consider-
<br />ation, shall pay a specific license tax of twenty-five dollars
<br />per annum for each company represented.
<br />11. Agents—Real EstateSalesmenfor Real Estate Agents.
<br />A real estate agent shall pay for the privilege of trans-
<br />acting such business a specific license tax as follows:
<br />Where the gross commissions of such agent during the
<br />preceding calendar year did not exceed $5,000.00 the tax
<br />shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).
<br />Where the gross commissions of such agent during the
<br />preceding calendar year exceeded $5,000.00 the tax shall be
<br />one hundred dollars ($100.00) .
<br />A real estate salesman operating for, with, or under a
<br />real estate agent, shall pay the sum of twenty dollars ($20) .
<br />Provided, however, that as to firms or corporations pay-
<br />ing a license as a real estate agent under this section only
<br />one person may operate under the license tax paid by such
<br />firm or corporation. All other persons operating as a real
<br />estate salesman for, with or under such firm or corporation
<br />as salesman shall pay a license tax as real estate salesman
<br />regardless of whether they be members of such firm or offi-
<br />cers of such corporation or not.
<br />A real estate agent within the meaning of this section is
<br />any person, firm or corporation who or which for compensa-
<br />tion or valuable consideration, sells or offers for sale, buys
<br />or offers to buy, or negotiates the purchase or sale or ex-
<br />change of real estate, or who shall lease or offer to lease, or
<br />rents or offers to rent any real estate or improvements there-
<br />on for others. A real estate salesman within the meaning of
<br />this section is any person who for valuable consideration,
<br />sells or offers for sale, buys or offers to buy or negotiates the
<br />purchase or sale or exchange of real estate or who leases or
<br />offers to lease or rents or offers to rent any real estate or
<br />the improvements thereon for others, for, with or under a
<br />real estate agent regardless of whether he receives as his
<br />compensation a salary or a portion of the commissions
<br />earned in such transactions. Provided, however, that a per-
<br />son, firm or corporation, who leases, or offers to lease prop-
<br />erty only shall pay $25.00.
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