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2 <br /> Mr. Mark Kavit, 400 Altamont Street, said he looks forward to having 24 hour <br />permit parking. <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve Russell, 1614 Brandywine Drive, fully supported extending the <br />enhanced speeding fines to Brandywine Drive, but said it is meaningless without <br />enforcement. <br /> <br /> Ms. Linda Seaman, 2010 Greenbrier Drive, a member of the Greenbrier <br />Neighborhood Association Executive Committee, said the neighborhood suffers from <br />cut-through traffic. She urged Council to support the ordinance and add Greenbrier Drive <br />to the list, and to have regular enforcement. <br /> <br /> Ms. Jane Lietsch, Greensboro, North Carolina, said her family used to own the <br />Branham-Timberlake property. She said it is a unique property and her family lived off <br />the land. She said it is a shame a mistake was made in not designating the land historic. <br />She asked that it not be allowed to recede any further and suggested turning it into a park. <br />Several people in the audience stood in support of her comments. <br /> <br /> Mr. Kevin Lynch, 609 Locust Avenue, said he would like to report on an <br />interesting and productive trip to DEQ. He said he did not go to DEQ to contest the <br />water supply permit. He said that in November of 2005 the State passed a local and <br />regional planning law that Council did not know existed. He said ours is not a water <br />plan. He said he never said that dredging alone will meet our water needs. <br /> <br /> Ms. Betty Mooney, 201 Sunset Avenue, said she signed up to talk about <br />governance. She said we have a permit at this point but nothing more. She said the <br />community has been led to believe we have a water supply plan but it does not meet the <br />requirements of the State law. She said people do not trust the process and feel they have <br />been given false information. She said we have to have accurate numbers. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jack Brown, 1505 Dairy Road, said Council needs to uphold our sustainable <br />reputation and should insist on maintenance dredging at the South Fork Rivanna <br />Reservoir. He said over 80 people have signed a letter supporting sustaining this <br />community resource. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dede Smith, 2652 Jefferson Park Avenue, said she recently reread “To Kill a <br />Mockingbird,” and like the book, there are still powerful and powerless people in our <br />community. She said we need to protect our citizens. <br /> <br /> Mr. Richard Lang, 803 Elliott Avenue, thanked Council for moving forward on <br />increased speeding fines. He asked that Police vehicles also slow down. He added his <br />voice to those asking reconsidering of other options for water plans. He said Council <br />should consider citizen views on big expenditures like this and renovation of the <br />downtown mall. <br /> <br /> Dr. Joe Mooney, 201 Sunset Avenue, asked why the water supply plan resolution <br />is before the utility rate ordinance on the agenda since the water rates will pay for the <br />plan. He asked why the resolution was placed on the agenda when the City Manager <br />knows that it does not qualify as a community water supply plan. He said Bill <br />Crutchfield has asked government officials to answer tough questions. <br /> <br /> Mr. Stratton Salidas, 407 Graves Street, said we are planning for water for sprawl. <br />He said the consultants for water and the Rt. 250 interchange have mislead the public. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kendra Hamilton, 602 Booker Street, thanked Council for their service to the <br />City. She said Councilors are elected to make decisions for citizens and she hopes they <br />can stake out higher ideals to protect the environment and people’s money. She asked <br />them to be bold and creative. She said people believe misrepresentations were made <br />about the water supply plan. She asked Council to listen and allay their fears. <br /> <br /> Mr. Richard Collins, 108 Wilson Court, member of the Soil and Water <br />Conservation District, said Buck Mountain has been approved as a mitigation site. He <br /> <br />