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5 <br /> Mr. Cox said he appreciates the range of issues raised by Mr. Schilling. He said <br />Council has discussed moving the elections for three years and doing so will a lways <br />affect people on Council. Mr. Cox said he is reluctant to saddle this group with these <br />additional issues. He said he feels it is acceptable to give the Task Force an addition four <br />weeks to make their recommendation. Mr. Cox said that most of the i nformation already <br />exists. He said he thinks a representative from the U. Va. Center for Politics could help. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he agrees with the extra time and feels the idea of moving the <br />elections ought to be considered. He said he thinks getting medi a attention is a challenge <br />candidates need to deal with. Mr. Lynch agreed that the charge of this Task Force should <br />be focused as presented. Regarding Mr. Schilling's suggestion, Mr. Lynch said he has <br />concerns about a directly elected Mayor, noting that progress is made only when the <br />Mayor is the same party as the majority of Council. He said when the Mayor is elected <br />by the Council progress is made. He said he thinks it is important for all Councilors to <br />represent all of the City, and he would not wan t to add additional Councilors. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said he does not intend to solve these issues, but thinks we should <br />have a discussion of them. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said she agrees they merit discussion. She noted that in the early <br />1980's there was extensive dis cussion of a ward system and a referendum held on it <br />which showed support, but Council did not support it. Ms. Richards noted that <br />Richmond changed to a strong Mayor form of government and said they are struggling <br />with that. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said these are highl y complex issues. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said if Mr. Cox would like his support of the Task Force then he <br />would like him to commit to support studying the issues he raised. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said he is not able to make that commitment at this time, but would like <br />to talk further about these issues. He said he does not want to derail the topic at hand. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Caravati, the charge and membership <br />of the Task Force, amended to study media coverage, adding a representative from the U. <br />Va. Ce nter for Politics, and extending the reporting date to March 1 was approved by the <br />following vote. Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Mr. Cox, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Richards. Noes: Mr. <br />Schilling. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards suggested that the Task Force also discuss the issue of <br />impleme nting any change in November of 2007. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said that Council can evaluate when to implement the change. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINION RE: EASEMENT FOR <br />MEADOWCREEK PARKWAY <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said he thinks it will be helpful for Council to use its guiding principles <br />to structure this discussion and suggested that the discussion be limited to 30 minutes, <br />allowing three minutes of comment for each Councilors. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brown said he has provided Council with a draft letter to Attorney General <br />Jerry Kilgore. He s aid the request is made in the form of an opinion, as required, and <br />asks three questions: 1) Is an affirmative vote of three fourths of all members elected to <br />the Charlottesville City Council required for the sale of municipal park property to the <br />Commonw ealth for construction of a public road? Mr. Brown said in his opinion the <br />answer to this question is yes.; 2) Is an affirmative vote of three fourths of all members <br />elected to the Charlottesville City Council required for the conveyance of an easement of <br />less than 40 years duration across municipal park property to the Commonwealth for <br />construction of a public road? Mr. Brown said that in his opinion, the answer is no; and <br />3) If the answer to Question 2 is in the negative and the easement in question can be <br />authorized by a simple majority vote of the Charlottesville City Council, is the City <br />